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Isadora's POV

I was getting the dinner table ready for Zions family.

Zion's mother had insisted to come over for dinner since they had already been in New York.

I had went to the grocery store earlier after my meeting with Erian to go get a few things for the dinner.

I never considered having a chef around since I already knew how to cook.

I got my skills from my mother since she was a chef and owned a really well known restaurant right here in new York but it went out of business due to my father.

I set up the table making sure everything was okay before I went into my bedroom to change.

I put on a short red flowy dress that I had bought a few weeks ago—well Reina bought for me.

I heard a knock on the door"I'm sure that's them."I said to Zion.

I went to go open the door and Zions mother gave me a look before entering followed by his brother.

I've never liked Zions brother and it's not because he still lives with his mother.

Zion's brother has never given me a good impression ever since I met him— I don't know what it is but I just never liked him.

"Evening Isadora."she said lacking excitement but I really didn't expect it.

"Evening Marie"I turned to face Rian as I greeted him too.

I led them to the table where everyone took a seat.

"Zion I like what you've done with the place."Marie stated.

I looked at Zion hoping he would correct her."Thank you mom I had a designer come and decorate the place."

"A designer."she said in shok.

I almost choked at my food. There was no designer that came in, infant I decorated the whole place.

"And you Isadora what did you do."

"Nothing—just left it all to the designer."I said as I took a bite of the steak.

"You should really do more,Zion works so hard to help around and you just do nothing."

Zion always told me to not mind his mother and that I should really take into consideration the things she says,which I found really weird.

"I already do Marie trust me."

Marie just gave me a look and continued to eat.

I swear that woman does not like me.

After the dinner I stood up as I collected everyone's dishes taking them into the kitchen.

I thought I should clean up as Zion cought up with his family.

As I was loading up the dishwasher Rian entered the kitchen"I love your dress." His words cought me off guard.

"Thanks I said."awkwardly.

I closed the dishwasher and turned to leave when he stopped me."Do you know where I can find the bathroom."he placed his hand on my shoulder.

Removing it I answered"second door to your left."I walked off to join the rest.

See why I don't like Rian.


"Why did you lie to your mother about the designer thing."I said as I pulled the sheets back.

"You don't have to worry about that."I stopped.

"Zion am I embarrassing to you?"I asked but it seems as if I had cought him off guard.

"Baby why would you ask me something like that?"

"You lie to your mother about me,she doesn't even know I own the penthouse,you let her treat me like this and you never ever take me out on dates."

"Well what can I say— people stare at us in public,if anything you are embarrassing me."

I stood there in shock.

"Zion..."I left the bedroom unable to finish the conversation but instead took my car keys and left.


"I've told you a thousand times Adora leave Zion alone."

"I can't Reina I love him."well I do right.

"But you're going to let him walk all over you like this,he's draining you."

"No he's not."

"You fake orgasms during sex." She said as she rolled her eyes at me.

I took another sip of red wine.

I crashed at Reina's for the night and honestly I regret telling her about faking my orgasms.

I've been extremely sexually active lately and no matter how hard I try I can't seem to reach my climax not even by myself.

And Zion is not even doing me justice.

"All I'm saying is drop that man and find a hot CEO and ride his dick like there is no tomorrow."I chuckled.

"Wish it were that easy."I really do.

If Zion keeps acting like this I won't stand for it anymore.

"Anyways wanna go grab some breakfast."

"Please I'm hungry."

Reina and I left soon after to grab some breakfast, luckily everything was close by so it really didn't take that long.

We sat by a window seat and Reina ordered us their breakfast bagels with some coffee for the both of us.

After placing my coffee down I looked up and saw Erian enter the breakfast place.

"Reina!"I whisper shouted.


"Look behind you."Reina turned around and as soon as she spotted Erian she turned back her eyes widened.

"Isn't that—"

"Yes the guy from the club."

"The one y—"

"The one I danced with."I finished her realization for her.


"Reina he wants to buy Euphoria."


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