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Erian's POV

Enzo fucking Enzo fucker is the most dumbest shit I've ever let into my fucking life.

Enzo landed three days ago in New York and he's already causing me trouble.

We decided to go to Euphoria later and boy was that a mistake.

I'm trying to buy the place and he's already giving a bad name.

To recap fucker was mad at an old man trying to touch the girl he was dancing with and almost got him killed and as always I had to come and save the fucking day.

"What the fuck was I supposed to do let him touch her-if you are mine for the night you are mine."Enzo said with an angry tone in his voice.

I got us out of there as soon as I fucking could,things where getting too out of hand.

Enzo's family and my family where two of the most well known Russian Mafias, we've known each other since birth at this point and ever since then I've felt like my job in life was to babysit Enzo.

Enzo was only a year younger than me and he acted as if he were a teenager,most people take him for grated sometimes I do too but fucker is dangerous.

After leaving Euphoria we headed back to the hotel-I was currently looking for a temporary place to stay whilst I was here and I don't like hotels.

Tomorrow I scheduled a meeting with Isadora regarding Euphoria.

If I had to describe Isadora with one word it would be captivating, Isadora was a stunning women.

The very first time I laid my eyes on her at the club I couldn't take them off of her gorgeous body.

From what I know Isadora was an only child of a wealthy family her mother got sick a few months ago and needed to go to a treatment center overseas and her father was admitted to a mental institution a few months before her mother fell sick.

She's dating a low lifer who's in it for the money and so far Zion is nothing without Isadora since he's practically homeless.

Zion doesn't deserve her.

I'm going to keep my eye on him so he doesn't do something stupid until I deal with him,for now I'll wait.

A very long and painful wait at that.


I've been in her office for more than twenty minutes now and she still hasn't arrived.

Aria must of told her she has a meeting what's taking her so long.

I leaned back on my chair impatiently waiting for her to walk threw the office doors.

Isadora's office was decorated in a modern feel yet still kept the authenticity of the Euphoria.There where framed pictures on her shelves of her family and her best friend Reina.

Reina was quite the opposite of Isadora she was way more free going than Isadora was.

The office doors flung open and a tall brunette walked in followed by Isadora.

Isadora possesses a stunning combination of features. Her long, curly hair cascades in beautiful tendrils, framing her face and adding to her charismatic presence. With a curvy body that celebrates her femininity, she moves with confidence and grace. Her tanned skin radiates warmth and vitality, complementing her striking appearance.

Aria stands by the door as Isadora took a seat facing as she placed her belongings in front of her.

"Mr Romano."she says with her soft toned voice.

"Ms Green."I nod.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Have you thought about what I said?"

I gave her enough time to think about it.

"Yes I have actually and I think that I'm not ready to give Euphoria up yet it has been in the family for too long and I'd like it to stay that way."she said as she leaned forward a bit,she gave off powerful energy.

She loved Euphoria and for me to get it it's going to be hard.

She holds so much power with this club and she doesn't know it.

"Of course but what if I gave you a price?"

"And why is that price?"

"Ten million US dollars."it's enough.

"That's a big price."she said yet she didn't seem as shocked as I thought she would.

"It could always go higher."

"I'm flattered but my decision still remains."

Dedicated I liked that.


Don't mind me just trying to get out of writers block.

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