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Erian's POV

I sat at the bar as I watched across the room where Zion was sitting in an enclosed Vip section with a blonde women.

They were exchanging laugh's and the drinks just kept on coming.

The women he was seated with was the same real estate agent from a few weeks ago.

Last week we met up and finalized the offer to the house.

I'm still moving in at the moment but in a few days it will be ready for me to live in.

Last week I had to check on Romano enterprises as we have been approved but I hadn't told Father yet as if I do it's just going to delay things.

Enzo had gone back home to Russia for the meeting with my Father but he should be back in a few hours.

I've been keeping an eye on Zion and thoughts of how Isadora could be so blinded by him are still lingering in my head.

Isadora is a strong, successful and not to mention a beautiful women and words couldn't define how gorgeous she was.

And Zion— well Zion is a cheater.

I haven't seen Isadora in the club but she may be a bit busy who knows.

I've not thought about what I'm going to do to him yet but something will come around.

I sat there watching them until they decided to leave, Zion guided the lady downstairs and soon they disappeared.

I turned to face the bartender and ordered myself a class of whiskey.

Right when I thought about leaving someone had caught my attention.

Isadora came up the stairs followed by Reina, she looked exhausted and was still dressed in her office attair.

They both walked to the far end of the club to the private seating area.

I've never seen her look so exhausted and tired that it got me worried.

They sat down and ordered two classes of white wine.Reina chatted away as Isadora listened.

I wonder if it's work or something else.

I've always been so fond of her something about is just different.

I looked back at where they where seated and Reina got up with some other guy holding her hand leading her away from the booth leaving Isadora sitting alone on her phone.

Reina soon disappeared and after a while Isadora got up a little tipster than when she arrived and seems as if she wanted to leave.

She slowly walked towards the stairs and clearly she was drunk, I watched her try to go down from the spiral staircase.

I finished my whisky gulping it down and leaving the bar.

If she was thinking of driving in a drunk state then she has to think again.

Isadora's POV

I stood outside the club searching for my car keys in my bag, it was getting late and Reina ditched me for a quick fuck.

Not wanting to wait for her I thought I should just leave.

The realization hit me when I realized that I came here with Reina's car meaning I'll have to walk or call an Uber.

I pulled out me phone and it fell to the hard concrete floor I bent down to pick it up and when I tried switching it on I realized it was on one percent.

Great just what I needed.

I looked to my left and realized Erian was standing beside me the whole time.

"I have a charger in my car."he said.

"No thanks, in just going to take a cab." I answered a bit annoyed.

"Cabs are not safe especially In this time of night I could always drop you off."

U thought about it for a second"Okay but your dropping me off straight at home."

"Of course." He replied.

"My cars this way."he gestured to the direction his car is supposedly meant to be and I followed behind him.

My legs where killing me at this point and I was starting to get really sleepy.

When we got to his car it was a high end sports car something I expected coming from him.

Erian looked really wealthy, I mean he would be if he wanted to buy Euphoria.

He opened the door for me I I got in removing me heels as I sat down.

He went over to the driver's seat and started the car.

Very short chapter but I wrote it at school so don't expect much.
Kisses 🤍

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