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Isadora's POV

I was at the back with Reina preparing for the show until the manager announced that there was ten minutes left before the show started.

I gave Reina a kiss on the cheek and wishing her good luck before heading to the front.

I sat in the front row with the others when someone came and sat next to me, I didn't think much of it until I looked to see who it was.

"Fuck." I muttered to myself.

"What your not excited to see me."His dark husky voice spoke.

"Wouldn't say I am."I said as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Watch it Bella."

Why is he even here, is he following me?

"My attitude will not be controlled by you?" I looked at him this time as I spoke. He had an intimating aura,it didn't scare me but drew me in.

"Oh I can for sure make you loose it."

"How exactly ."

"By fucking it out of you."

"Erian I already told you, no." His expression changed to one of desperation."Isadora please." He begged.

"The show is starting." I said trying to avoid the conversation.

The show went on and Erian didn't try to strike up a conversation.

After the show Reina came out as usual as the designer then went back.

As I stood up to go congratulate her Erian stopped me. "I'm coming with you."

"Actually it's okay you can leave." His hand was still wrapped around my wrist."No I insist."

Unable to argue with him I walked backstage with Erian so I could say goodbye to Reina, I knew she would stay a while so now would be the time to do so.

Reina was talking to a tall dark headed man when we arrived and she turned to introduce me a shocked look on her face.

"Oh Isadora meet Alexander."she said gesturing to the tall man.

I reached out my hand to greet him"Nice to meet you Alexander."

"No it's a pleasure to meet you Isadora, I've heard so much about you Reina here has really given you a good impression." I blushed at the statement.

"Oh and before I forget meet Erian, he's a good friend of mine." Erian reached his hand out but he didn't look too pleased to meet Alexander.

The two of them looked like they won't get along.

Reina cleared her throat breaking the awkward silence."Now that you guys have met each other, Alexander is going to be the new Media editor for our magazines."

Erian looked at me with a look of being annoyed, I don't know why he's looking at me like that I didn't ask him to come with me.

He leaned in to whisper something in my ear."Follow me." Then he walked off into a hallway.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom but Reina didn't believe me but she didn't have to.

I walked into the hallway and looked everywhere for Erian but couldn't see him anywhere, I looked one around for the last time before I was pulled into a dark room and the door clicked behind me.

I didn't need to know who it was when I felt light kisses on my neck and a hand grabbing my ass.

"Erian." I moaned "Someone could here us."

" I don't care." His lips brushed against my neck as he placed another kiss

His hands went up my thigh until the found the light fabric of my thong, What the hell was I doing.

But it felt so good. He pushed my underwear to the side as his hand explored my folds.

He placed his thumb on my clit making my body jolt in excitement.

He tapped my thigh."Wider." He demanded. My body followed his instruction as my legs opened winder to accommodate him.

He rubbed his thumb slowly on my clit my body moving with him and my cloths starting to feel tight on my skin."Fuck I like to here those sweet moans of yours."

My body felt heated as he pressed himself against me, he insurted his finger in me and my walls clenched around him.

"Erian someone could here us." I said in a shortness of breath."His motions became faster and I could feel his hard pressed against my stomach and fuck was it hard.

"Erian." I moaned as I felt myself growing close."I'm gonna come."

"Then come-come for me bella." I came right then and there my body shaking against the door.

I felt weak as Erian cleaned me up and gave me a kiss on the forehead before opening the door and leaving.

Hey yall so like I'm back

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