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Isadora's POV

I was sitting on my bed unable to get over what happened two nights ago.

I took a few days off of work since the work load has been way less lately.

I haven't even bothered myself with Zion he hasn't been home for a few days so I froze his card, he has some explaining to do.

I got out of bed to make myself breakfast when  someone knocked on my front door.

I kind of had an idea of who it would be so I walked up to the door opening it and finding a large bouquet of flowers on the floor I looked around if anyone would've left them there but no one was there.

The large boutique had a note on it so I picked it up and brought it inside setting it on the kitchen counter.

I took the note as I read it.

I didn't know what kind of flowers you liked so I bought them all.

That's weird this boutique only has red rose's, another knock on the door caught my attention, I walked to the door as I opened it the staff walked in each with a boutique of a different flower.

"So I bought all of them" I stood there in shock as they brought all the variations of flowers in.

What the hell was he doing.

As soon as they left I sat on the floor wondering what the hell I will do with all these flowers.


1 week later

I was sitting in my office waiting for Zion to arrive,  I had called him earlier in the morning.

I was done with his bullshit, a few days ago he came back demanding I should unblock his card and when I refused he threw a fit and left.

That afternoon I received a video from an unknown number showing Zion and a blond women in a restaurant and they looked like they where having fun.

I checked the time and he was already an hour late and may not even show .

He walked in a few minutes later looking irritated to see me.

"Are you going to give me back my money or what?"

"Sit down." I said not wanting to put up with his bull shit.

He hesitated but sat down either way."You'll not be getting your card back anytime soon and your bags have been packed I don't want you near the penthouse anymore, you'll find yourself living arrangements. " His expression turned to one of anger as I spoke.

"What the fuck are you talking about."

"We're over Zion."

I reached into my drawer grabbing some papers and placing them in front of him."This is all the money you owe me, you don't pay it back I'm going to be taking legal action."

I didn't need the money back it was practically nothing to me but I would love to see Zion go bankrupt.

Just the thought made me smile.

"We're not over Isadora, I made you the women you are today without me you would be nothing." He said trying to threaten me.

"I inherited the business Zion you didn't do shit." His skin turned pale.

He roughly stood up and took the papers."I'm not done with you."

"Bye Zion."

As soon as he left the office I felt a relief like something has been lifted off my chest.

Reina made sure to make me aware of what Zion was trying to do.

He also stole money from my accounts into his yet I didn't notice how had I been so stupid.

I stood up and grabbed my bag off the table, I'm going to meet up with Reina for lunch.


"Are you sure thus is the same Erian I know." Reina asked.

"Yes it is."

"What the hell have you been doing to him."Reina said in shock as she took a sip of her iced coffee

"Look I don't know what he's trying to do but whatever we had done together is in the past, I don't think I should be involved with him plus I just got out of a relationship. "It hit me.

Erian was not the man I should be busy with something in me is saying I shouldn't be doing anything with him.

"Fuck Zion okay he's a dick head, are you sure about Erian though. "

"Reina have you even seen the man."

"Yes and he's really not that bad." I shook my head with disagreement. "Reina."


"For once you open your eyes."

"Okay maybe don't listen to me on this one."

Short ahh chapter but yeah mwah

For those wondering about His desire,  I'm still working on it I'm hoping to publish the book finished

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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