Chapter 4

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???: "YN!!!" A familiar voice shouted and you turned around
Yn :"JAKE!!!" You happily screamed as you ran towards him and hugged him.
He hugged you back.
"I've missed you Yn " He said tighting the hug
" I've missed you so much to Jake" You replied before breaking the hug.
"it has been so long" You said
"Time really passed away so fast "
"Wanna have a movie night like we used to do before ?" you excitedly asked
replied with the same excitement.
~ Niki's Pov
I was about to drive away when i spotted Yn hugging a guy.
I couldnt see who it was because he was wearing a hoodie covering his face.
They look close.
Is he her boyfriend? But i don't remember her having a boyfriend.
Wait niki are you jealous?
Ugh just drive away from this hell .
End of his pov
And they both drove in different directions but little do they know , both directions
will lead to same end.
22 Mins later

All three of them arrived at the same time but didnt even notice eachother.
Yn and Jake entered YN's apartment.
And she quickly went to make some popcorn to eat while watching the movies as Jake went to choose a movie
Some minutes passed yet they couldn't find a Intresting movie to watch so they
thought of watchinga k-drama.
~True beauty ~
You decided to watch true beauty because it looked intresting
You both were so into the drama that you forgot about the time.
Jake checked at the time and his eyes widened.
"ITS FREAKING 2 IN THE MORNING " Jake screamed making yn flinch and drop the popcorn she had in her hands .
"Dont worry, you can stay over" You said while picking up the popcorn from the floor
"You are the best yn !" he said as you finished up picking the popcorn and went to prepare the guest room for him to sleep at.
After you finished preparing, you headed towards your room as Jake went to sleep to the guest room .
You laid down trying to sleep but you couldn't because NIKI just wouldn't leave your mind.
"Why cant i stop thinking about him ?' You thought to yourself but eventually fell

You woke up to the sound of your alarm and it interrupted your dream but
unfortunately you had to wake up or else you would be late for school .
You took a quick shower, did your skincare and did a light makeup since you dont
like to cover your natural beauty.
You changed your clothes and went downstairs to make breakfast only to see Jake
already making breakfast.
"Good morning Jake"you greeted him
"Good morning Yn " he replied
"wait are you making PANCAKES ?" You got excited again
"yes, since they are your favorite " he smiled as he gave you your plate of pancakes before making one for himself.
You stuffed the pancakes in your mouth
Yn:" It was delicious " you said after finishing your breakfast making him smile at your
Time skips ~
You went to your school as Jake went towards his because the school building was separated in 2  and unfortunately he is on the other side .
You were early today , not many people had arrived yet.
You were heading towards your locker when suddenly someone pulled you into an empty classroom.

Who was it?
~ to be continued

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