Part 19

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Dance partners || part 19 ||
You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing.
It was a audio call from your manager.
"Hello?" You picked the call up in a sleepy state but your eyes widened the moment he said his reason of calling you.
"Kim Yn ! I understand that you were sad about something or anything that made you a bit sad yesterday at your live but seeing your eyes hold tears made auras , your fans worry a lot about you and they were making random rumours about this situation so I want you to make it clear to the fans by finding any safe excuse" your manager gave you a whole speech.
"What do you by an safe excuse?" You were confused about what he meant by that.
"Like find an excuse as if you saw something that made you so happy that you ended up crying or smth just think of an excuse cause this can get worser as the time flies" your manager said before ending the call.
You sighed before doing your morning routine and eating an apple for breakfast since you were not really hungry.
You were sitting on the counter of your kitchen biting on your apple while staring at the white wall facing you from many km's away from you and deep in thoughts about the situation you were in , it wasn't that bad yet but you still had to figure out a solution for it.
"What should I do~" you were forcing yourself to think of an excuse.
After minutes of thinking , you finally got an idea so you took out your phone and started writing a msg to auras on Weverse.
"Dear auras! I apologise for making you all worried for me yesterday in the birthday live and to make it clear i was just in verge of tears which were tears of joy because my childhood bestfriend who hadn't been in touch with me since I became an idol sent me a msg in years wishing me a happy birthday and I couldn't help but have tears of happiness in my eyes , I missed her a lot" you quickly wrote a msg and of course you didn't wanna lie but you had to do it for the sake of your career.
After writing that you wore your shoes then went to school without your backpack since you had all the things you needed as a double in your locker.
You had skipped a few days of school days awhile ago but today was a day before your finals so you wanted to be present there.
You parked your car at the grand parking lot of your school before going up the elevator to the first floor where your first class of the day was located at.
It was maths, boring ? Yes , you were really smart and mostly had A's without any effort and because of that you found most of the lessons boring especially maths so you would be either skipping school days or not pay attention at all.
You took your math book from your locker in Oder not to get scolded for not having with you then you went to your class as the bell rang.
~ Time skip ~ > lunch break <~
You went to the cafeteria and met up with your members , hae-won , Jia and Yura since each of you had diffrent classes today.
"AYOO have y'all seen Niki Today ? Yn probably misses him since she hasn't seen him in days" Yura couldn't help but say that , well it was the truth anyway.
"How did you know I was missing him?" You asked her curiously.
"Who wouldn't miss their boyfriends" Jia said in sarcastic voice.
"Well that's true but he probably was skipping school today, that smart boy is everywhere but school" you said in a sarcastic tone aswell rolling your eyes.
"Like girlfriend like boyfriend" hae-won spoke facts all of a sudden.
"NAH FOR REAL , THEY BOTH KEEP SKIPPING SCHOOL DAYS YET HAVE A's IN THEIR EXAMS" Yura suddenly spoke loudly making you give her a side eye out of nowhere.
~ Cliff hanger

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