Part 16

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"It's okay by the way what did you ment by skipping your birthday life again ? Don't you celebrate your birthday?" Jungwon asked curiously and concerned...
You stayed silent for a few seconds before deciding to speak .
"Well... I-I don't celebrate because it means celebrating.... Something I don't want to c-celebrate" you couldn't help but stutter a bit inbetween your sentences thinking of what had happened on your 11th brithday.
Jungwon sighed before saying something, "I am sorry I shouldn't have asked" he said in an apologetic tone.
"It's okay ! It's nothing don't worry" you wanted to give him a smile to let him know you were fine but deep down you weren't doing good at all.
You left the studio and went to yours , you keep mistaking the studios because of the similar sign.
"Good morning" Hae-won greeted you with a smile.
"Thank you my morning was not as good as thought" you replied coldly yet respectfully.
Hae-won your leader knew there was something wrong with you just by reading your expression but she didn't question it because you might get mad at her.
"By the way can I skip my birthday live for this year too ? Please unnie" you begged her to let you skip the live once again.
"Yn... how many times are you gonna do this...? This is literally your last year as a teenager and you want to skip again? What's so bad about your birthday Yn ? Why do you hate celebrating it so much ?" Hae-won had held the urge to ask this question for years but now that it was your last teenage birthday ,she couldn't help but ask .
"Do you really wanna know?" You mumbled as hae-won nodded her head.
"Exactly 6 years ago it was my 11th birthday , I was really excited for my birthday well of course I was still a kid but the same day at night where we were supposed to start my birthday party something unexpected happened between my parents.... They decided to be separated... I mean my dad always hated me because I was his first child and he wanted the first child to be a boy not a girl and because of that he had been hating me , I was really sad about the divorce of my parents that I didn't wanna celebrate my birthday yet I celebrated it because it was the last day i would be seeing my dad even if he didn't care about me..." tears were threatening to fall down your eyes.
Hae-won wasn't in an unbelievable situation, she couldn't believe you had went through that at such a young age.
"Yn-ah..." hae-won wasn't a good at comforting yet she said your name in a calm tone rubbing your back lightly to comfort you.
"I don't wanna celebrate it..." a tear fell down your eye saying it.
"Let's move on Yn , you cannot forever stay in this lonely box of yours Just because of your parents.
Celebrate it Yn , celebrate it for us the people who are Glad that you were born at this day .
Celebrate it for us , for auras Yn not for your parents" hae-won tried her best to comfort and help you at the same situation, somehow her words comforted you.
Instead her sweet and comforting words made you cry making hae-won worry seeing you cry.
She panicked and quickly went to get a water bottle for you.
"C-calm down hae-won , I am not crying because of them" you laughed a little for the first time in Dec 8th while hitting hae-won's shoulder lightly , it was a cute habit of yours.
"YOU SCARED THE SOUL OUT OF ME YN!!!!" She stood up crossing her arms frowning mad when the dance studio's door opened revealing Yura and Jia, they came late to the practice but who cared ?
You were gonna practice the same thing over and over again.
Jia greeted everyone with a good morning but she stopped when she saw your red puffy eyes.
"OMO! Did you cry Yn?!?!" You could directly notice the worry in her voice tone and eyes, she was truly worried.
"Don't worry , I am okay" you smiled making her sigh in relief.
~ Cliff hanger

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