Chapter 10

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"Don't you dare wear another man's stuff ever again" He whispered on your ear before leaving you alone there and going back to the dance class .
You were there frozen in a blushing mess after what he said but you snapped back to reality.
"Did he really say that?" You mumbled but then eventually got to the changing room because what if you weren't dreaming when he said that ? Plus black is your favourite color .
After changing to the clothes of Niki you went back to the dance class and the teacher was already there .
"Where were you Yn ?" The teacher asked .
"Sorry I accidentally went to the wrong class because I thought I had chemistry " You lied to not make it obvious.
The teacher believed you and let it slide for this time .
"Alright get back to the pairs of last time !" The teacher demanded as everyone followed what he wanted .
"As you know you have to go to different studios each group but unfortunately today there is a studio that needs to be shared by 2 groups so it will be 4 people in a studio and because of that , Yn & Niki will share the studio with Yeji & Hyunjin! " the teacher informed everyone before they went to the following practice rooms .
You were dancing with Niki normally and suddenly Niki caught Hyunjin taking glances at you as you were dancing.
You didn't notice the tension in the room and just focused on the dance .
You were doing a dance move wrongly the whole time and couldn't understand how to do it no matter how many times you tried to repeat that move.
"Here let me help you " Niki said before helping you learn the dance move correctly.
He held your waist glaring at Hyunjin through the mirror .
You were blushing but hid it with your long hair .
Yet you still couldn't learn it .
"Move your body a little bit more Yn " He said as he grabbed your waist even more to side so that you would move yourself a bit more to do the dance move correctly.
"There you go , you did it" Niki said before going back to position and continuing where you both had stopped a while ago .
Niki & Hyunjin were both jealous and were glaring at eachother dead in the eye .
After the dance class it was the end of the school so you changed back to your normal clothes and you were now walking in the hallway to go back home when suddenly Hyunjin appeared .
"Why were you not wearing the clothes I gave you earlier ?" He asked curiously
"Oh ! About that i-" You got cut off by someone
"It's none of your business" Niki budged in the conversation and said before dragging you towards the parking lot under the school building .
"What was that for ?"You asked him trying to escape his grip but he was just too strong .
He ignored your question and kept walking towards his car .
"Niki ? Hello? You still a-" He suddenly pinned you on his car making you shut up by his actions .
"Shut those pretty lips of yours before I make them shut up myself " Niki warned you but you didn't take it seriously.
"You still haven't-" He pinned you again on the car and smashed his lips on yours .
You froze to the sudden kiss meaning you were not kissing him back at all .
He bit your bottom lip because you were not kissing him back making you part yours lips a little.
He took the chance and entered his lips in your mouth tasting each corner of your mouth.
You couldn't resist him anymore and kissed him back .
The kiss started becoming more intense and rough.
You were now running out of breath by the long kiss and you were now hitting his back yet he didn't budge but held both your hands up your head to stop you from hitting him anymore longer .
Soon he broke the kiss .
"I had warned you before Yn to not make me jealous again but you didn't listen . If you do it once again , this is what you will end up" He smirked slightly looking straight in your eyes .
"Now get in , we need to go back to the company " He kissed your forehead before opening the door of his car for you .

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