Part 24

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Soon you arrived at the airport near Yokohama and you got awaken up by the announcement by the pilot that it was time to land.
You fastened up your seatbelt for safety in landing to the ground and as you were doing so you noticed 2 presences in front of you , the hairstyle and figure of those two mans seemed familiar to you but you couldn't tell who they were since they had their face covered so you just shook the thought off and just waited to land.
Soon you landed to the ground and went to the lobby with Yura and immediately spotted your bodyguards but they were 8 of them ? There were a lot of paparazzi too.
"Why are there double the amount of the bodyguards we were supposed to have?" You asked Yura confused.
"I don't know either but maybe there are some other celebrities coming here too? Who knows" she said calmly as 4 of the body guards approached you two and one of them took your luggage while the other one took yura's.
Seeing the 4 built up bodyguards take your luggage's caught the paparazzi's attention because that only happens to people who are famous and popular , well a big celebrity or an idol.
They started flashing their cameras at you and Yura so you had no choice but to take off your mask and greet the fans at the airport to keep your idol image.
While you were doing so , the two familiar boys from earlier arrived exiting from the same cabin as the one you and Yura exited from.
The cameras didn't stop there either , they started taking photos of those two boys because of that they had to take off their masks aswell.
"Niki..?" You mumbled because you hadn't recognised it was him this whole time , you were craving his kisses and hugs a lot recently, it had been a long time since you hung out because of the tight schedule but luckily you could maybe hang out now in this 2 weeks of break.
Then you went with your bodyguards to your black suv cars but just then Yura had to use the bathroom really badly.
"Ya Yn , I need to use the bathroom really badly , be right back" she informed you and headed towards the public restroom outside of the airport with a bodyguard to wait outside for her safety.
You sighed and sat inside the car waiting for her to come back while scrolling on instagram but it hadn't even been 2 minutes and the car already drove off which made you look up from your phone.
"Don't we have to wait for Yura ?!" You asked the driver but your voice made someone's presence visible to you , someone was sitting next to you , Niki.
"WHY ARE YOU HERE" both of you said at the same time thinking the other one was in the wrong car but no one knew which one supposed to be in which car anymore.
"Dwag I think I entered the wrong car" you said , you weren't annoyed to be with Niki or something but was kinda scared that you will be going to the wrong destination in Japan.
"calm down baby , I don't think anyone noticed btw where in Japan are you going to?" He asked calming you down because dating rumours could spread easily even if they were true or not.
"Yokohama , you?"
"See! Nothing bad , we are going to the same destination" he said making you sigh in relief because you really wanted to visit your parents but what you didn't knew was none of the duos were staying at the same hotel meaning you were gonna end up sharing a room with Niki...

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