Part 3 / S2

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You decided to get some more food because you felt like eating more due to the sad feeling you felt.
You stood up from your seat and headed to the line again , luckily the line was short this time making the wait shorter.
When your turn came , you noticed that there were now different types of foods than earlier.
You chose the Dumplings because they were your favourite.
As you chose them , you got a flashback of the day where you and Niki were fighting for dumplings in an amusement park.
The thoughts of your past with him as enemies made you smile, your fights were always over the silliest things.
"OoOh Yn?? Why are you so smiley today" One of the cafeteria workers asked in a teasing way which made you blush due to embarrassment.
"Nothing , just thinking of a good memory" You replied somehow still smiling despite the weird and upsetting actions Niki did earlier.

Then you held your tray on both of your hands with a plate with 5 Dumplings pieces that were still really hot.
Then you headed back to your table feeling better than earlier where you were frowning.
The girls noticed you suddenly smiling but they didn't ask any questions so that they could keep you in that happy mood.

~ Time skip
After all of you had finished eating your lunch , you all headed to the dance practice room.
"Ugh I am so full" Ha-Eun groaned kind of complaining and threw herself gently on the cold floor of the practice room.
"You literally ate a small portion of the whole cafeteria's each dish" You chuckled.
"The food was too good to resist" She answered and licked her lips once.
"Take that tongue away , you look weird" Yura teased.
"Blah blah , you are just saying that because I look hot when doing that action" Ha-Eun spoke back making you laugh at her reply.

"Okay enough of blabbering , let's warm up now" You said , your face shifting from playful to serious.
"You are always so serious when it comes to dancing" Ha-Eun chuckled standing up from the floor.
"I am the main dancer for a reason" You replied making the other girls smile.

"By the way , where is Jia ? I haven't seen her today" You said while stretching your body to warm up.
"She took a day off for today and I am honestly surprised they let her" Yura answered to your question.
"Omg they did ? Lucky her , they rarely give breaks without any special occasions happening" You added your face kind of surprised.
"That's what I was thinking" Ha-Eun added to the conversation.

Then you all started to practice one of your choreographies with all the energy you had left in your body.
While practicing , you accidentally tripped over your long pants and fell on your butt.
"Ouch my butt , that hurts" You complained with a cute expression which made the girls find your fall extremely cute.
"Why did you had to wear long pants all of a sudden??" Yura chuckled softly while helping you stand up from the floor.
"It's fashion ladies" You acted cool even though your butt was still hurting a bit.
"You are like the queen of fashion to be honest" Yura complimented you and what she said made you smile happily.

"Oh yeah! Speaking of fashion , I forgot to inform y'all about this but next week's Saturday , we are expected to attend the new fashion show of Chanel" Ha-Eun Spoke thrilled.
"ARE YOU FOR REAL?? I can finally talk with my sister again!!" You jolted up with joy feeling excited to meet her again.
It had already been a long time since you last saw her which was in Japan.

"Wait, who was your sister again?" Yura questioned, her brows furrowed in a confused expression as she tried to recall who your sister was.
"It's the JENNIE KIM we know" You felt proud while saying her name.
"OHH YEAHHH!! I remember now , I always wanted to meet her in person" Yura pouted.
"You will next week don't worry" You whispered excitedly.

~ To be continued

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