Chapter 12

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Dance partners || Part 12 ||
( This part is connected to the previous one)
The bell rang indicating the break has started but you had literally no appetite even tho you were hungry .
You just didn't wanna eat anything since this morning.
"Let's go eat now ynnie" Jennie started dragging your hand but failed because you didn't even budge .
"What's up with you today Yn ?" She asked you but you shook your head indicating there is nothing .
"Then cmon , let's go eat" She started pulling your arm but failed again .
"FINE ! suit yourself" She said and left you alone in the classroom as you layer your head on the bench sleeping.
After awhile you heard the classroom door open but there was still 15 more minutes of break left ?
You didn't care enough to lift your head but someone else did .
It was Niki .
"Why are you not eating Yn ?" He asked looking at you .
"I don't want to~" you replied making him sigh .
"Come eat now YN !" He said more like demanded but you didn't move at all .
He left you there in the classroom but he came back with something on his hands.
"Eat this ramen" He said handing you a bowl of ramen .
"Naur" You said and this time he looked seriously mad .
He didn't say anything and took the chopsticks and ate the ramen or so you thought .
He didn't munch on it but lifted your face and kissed you transferring the food to your mouth and somehow you replied to the kiss .
You quickly pulled out when you tasted the ramen .
"Eat this or else I will have to feed you" he smirked seeing you quickly grab the bowl of ramen and eating it like nothing happened.
"Good girl" He mumbled caressing your hair but you didn't hear it .
The bell rang once again but this time for your next classes and you have dance class now so
You went to the changing room and changed to the same clothes from last time because you forgot your again .
"OoOh who's clothes are you wearing?" Jennie teased you .
"My man's clothes duh" you replied to her rolling your eyes , you were too used to her teasing .
"Wait hold on.... YOUR BOYFRIEND IS NIKI-" You cutt her off .
"Shhh, yes but don't yell here!" You shushed her but she just winked at you and left for dance class so eventually you went as well .
"My girl's looking good" Niki whispered in your ear once you entered the class making you blush instantly.
"Yah shut up" you hit his arm playfully but got cut off by the teacher .
"Hmm alright love birds , go to your dance studio and make a new choreography, I will be choosing the best one for the upcoming dance competitions" you awkwardly listened to your teacher and so did Niki .
"Alright ! We will try our best." You both said at the same time before heading towards your given studio .

~ Cliff hanger
The next part will be connected to this part as well !

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