~ 𝚂 𝚞 𝚙 𝚛 𝚒 𝚜 𝚎 𝚍 𝚊 𝚝 𝚎 ~

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Requested: me!!
Emojis: 🥰🤍💖

Luke's POV~

Love is a strange thing. A beautiful thing that I'm so lucky to have. It's been six months today since me and Zander started dating and it's been the best six months ever.

"Babe we are gonna be late for our date,", I shout from the bottom of the stairs in his house.
"I'll be two minutes,", my boyfriend calls back.

"He'll be 20,", i turn to see his older sister talk.
"Yeah,", I chuckle.
"Where are you even going?", she asks me.
"It's a surprise for him but I suppose I could tell you,", I say.
"Of course you can tell me Luke,", the blue hair girl smiles, "I'm your best friend of course.

- whispers -

"He will love that!", she states.


"You can open your eyes now,", I state. I look over to my boyfriend as he opens his eyes to the surprise. I hear a gasp come from his mouth as soon as he saw the sign.

"A CAT CAFE!!", he exclaims in joy.
"Thought you'd love it,", I chuckle.
"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH,", the purple haired boy grabs me into a tight hug, "I could marry you right now on the spot!".

I look down to his face as he looked up at me. I lean in for a deep and loving kiss. My heart melts as he pulls away.
"Take me in!", he smiles at me.
"Right away darling,", I hold his hand and we walk into the cafe together.

"Reservation?", the lady at the counter ask me while holding a big clip board.
"Yes under the name Luke Peterson,", I state.
"Alright then,", she writes something down on the paper attached to the board tgen place it down on a bench, "You table is write this way if you would like to follow me.".

We follow the lady into a room with 7 little kittens and one mother cat.
"They're names are on their collar's,", she informs us, "Here's our menu and just press the button on the remote whenever you're ready to order.". She smiles at us then walks away to go help other customers.

"Awww they're so cute,", he picks a cute ginger cat up, "I love this little guy, he's called toffee.".
I sit down at the table while he sits on the floor petting ball the cats.
"Best date ever Zan?", I ask him.
"Obviously,", he laughs while placing another cat on his leg. He had 4 on their now so there was no room for anymore.

There was a little silver one with a white belly sitting in the corner of one of the seats. I pick her up and cradle her in my arms. I check her name tag and it read "no name".
"Hunny bun this one has no name,", I say.
"That's strange,", he responds, "Maybe they were stuck on what to choose.".
"Maybe,", I respond and cuddle into the young kitten.

After a few minutes I pick up the menu to check what to get. I decide on having a dish called The Vegan Strawberry Stuffing which is basically a sandwich with really sweet vegan bread with strawberries and vegan whipped cream on the other side. Zander had soon sat on the table bringing to kittens over while the rest climbed on the furniture around us. The mother cat was sleeping on her bed.

My boyfriend decided to pick The Scorpio Burger of the menu. It was a halloumi burger with cheese melted on it. It also had this sherbet sauce on the side with waffle fries.


The rest of the day in the cafe was good. My food was amazing! I also had the mother cat lying on my lap for awhile as I petted her to sleep. Zander had one of the cats on his head and I took a really funny photo of him lol. My favourite cat was the "No name"one and I loved her very much. Zander even said I had attachment issues to her.

When I went to pay, I asked about the cat and they told me why it had no name. It was because she was for sale and nobody wanted her. If somebody did buy her, they'd want them to name it. I payed and went back to the room.

"Darling,", i say looking down at him as he's on the floor with two kittens.
"Yeah baby,", he responds.
"What if I bought a kitten for us,", I blurt out to him, "For when we move out together soon. It can live with me for now.".
"Which one?", he asks me.
"The little grey one I love,", I smile.
"The one you have attachment issues to?", he wonders.
"Yes that one,", I state.
"Of course then,", he replies, "What would you name it though?".


And that was that. I bought the car and we named it Pearl. It lived at mine for a few months until me and then Pearl loved him aswell.


The Instagram Post!!

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