~ dancing in the rain ~

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Requested : me
Emojis : 🤍😍💖


"Come on Hails pleaseee,", my boyfriend begs me, "Pretty pleaseee.".
"No it's raining,", I point to the window.
"But that makes it even better because then it's so aesthetic and romantic,", he explains, "And it'll be just like in the books and I know how much you love reading.".
"That's true,", I look too see my boyfriend giving me puppy eyes that I can't resist , "Fine but only because I love you.".
"Love you more,", Jake says grabbing his coat off the rack.

We head outside and he drags my arm so we get to the middle off the field in-front my house.
"What now?", I ask him.
"Here,", my boyfriend grabs my arms and puts the around his neck. He then puts his arms around my waist and starts moving slowly. We dance slowly for a little bit and then he began to spin me around. I laugh a little at this and he  does too. Instead of going back to my old position I just hug him while swaying side to side.

My hair was soaking at this point but I didn't care I was with my love. Jake hold my face with both of his hands and I look into his eyes. In that moment I did not think about anything, I just let myself feel free. He kissed me and I kissed back. I'd never felt so happy until that moment.

Tmf one shots (discontinued after I post ones I begun)Where stories live. Discover now