~ christmas holiday!! (pt1) ~

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Request: Ms_snowfur
Emojis: 😍🥰✨💕

Hailey's POV~

The music club, Daisy and Elliott have booked a cabin down in England to stay for the holiday season. It's a four bedroom house but it's massive from the pictures. We are all travelling at different times but me, Luke, Zander and Jake are going a day earlier than the rest.

"Finally we are here,", Zander opens the door to the cabin. He loves his bags down on the closest bench while the rest of us walk into the house.
"I'm gonna unpack the car,", Jake says.
"I'll come help you,", Luke offers. They leave to the car while me and Zander carry out bags into the different rooms but don't unpack them just yet.


"Finally we're done,", I state and sit on the huge sofa in the games room.
"No we aren't,", my brother responds.
"Huh?", I reply with confusion.
"We've still got to unpack,", he reminds me.
"Ohhh yeah,", I remember and stand back up, "Come on then. We can do our own rooms first then I guess.".
"Okay,", everyone responds and both couples head to their rooms.

Our room is on the second floor whereas their room is in the underground bit. I place our two bags on the bed and open the zip on one of them. Jake wraps his arms around me from behind and nestles his head into my shoulder.
"Hey,", I place my head on his. His responds by nodding his head, "I'm gonna place your clothes on your side of the bed so you can decide which things you want in each draw.".
He nods again and then I lift his head up.
"May I?", I looked down to his lips with my hand on his chin. He nodded so I lent in for a sweet kiss.
"Im gonna go put my stuff over here,", I tell him and before I go, he kisses my forehead.


Me and Jake finally finish packing and go into Luke and Zander's room. I knock on the door while Jake lies his head on my shoulder. Luke opens the door.
"Zanders fallen asleep so that's why it's taking so long to pack,", he whispers. I look over to the bed to see my brother lying down. Luke closes the door behind him, "I just finished un-packing if you want to go check out the building.".
"Yeah sure,", I respond for the two off us.

"He alright?", Luke mouths pointing at jake.
"Yeah,", I mouth back, "He is just clingy when he travels.". Luke nods and then we walk around the rooms. We look around the rooms and it takes ages.

"Finally the last room,", Luke states, "The games room.". I look around the room to see a massive speaker at the side and a pool table in the middle. It also had a chess board and an arcade machine. On the side of the wall, there were two chairs for when your not playing and you just want to chill.

Jake lifts his head up and then whispers to my ear, "I'm gonna go change into some more comfortable clothes.".
"Alright,", I reply and he kisses my forehead before going to our room. Me and Luke sit on chair each. One was just an armchair whereas the other was a couples one.

After me and Luke had been talking for about 20 minutes Zander comes down stairs and spots us.
"Hey guys,", he joins us and sits with Luke.
"Hey angel,", Luke puts his arm around his waist and smiles. My brother lies his head on the boys chest.

"Also Hailey,", Zander looks at me, "Jakes fallen asleep in your room. I just spoke to him when I was coming downstairs and he just said he was feeling a bit weary.
"Thanks,", I reply, "Do you wanna do something later. Like the four off us?".
"Sure!", Luke responds.
"Im gonna go have a nap with Jake,", I tell them, "you can think off something to do tho while im sleeping. Could you also wake me up? Only if I don't wake up in an hour because I will not sleep tonight if you don't.".
"Of course,", my brother smiles.
"See ya!", I wave goodbye I head to my bedroom.

Luke's POV~

Me and Zander were discussing what to do later with Jake and Hailey when mine and Zander's favourite song came on the speaker. The song was Thinking out Loud by Ed Sheeran.

I stood up and offered my hand to Zander. He accepted and stood up with me. There was quite a bit of space around the pool table so we danced. I put my arms around his waist as he put my arms around my shoulders. It got to nearer the end of his song where we were pretty much hugging but still swaying a little.

The song ended and I look down at his face. He looks up and smiles.
"Thank you,", he stuttered. My eyes trail down to his lips and I lean in. He leans in too and we share a passionate kiss.

When we separated, we sit back down and I hold him in my arms.
"What do you think we should do though,", I continued with our conversation.
"Movie Night 100%!", he added.
"Yes definitely,", I agree with my boyfriend.


We all decided on the film "Perks of being a Wallflower" as our film and set it away. I had Zander sitting next to me with his arm around my waist and Hailey & Jake were of the sofa next to us, properly cuddled up.

Not much happened during the film though Hailey fell asleep near the end as she hadn't been sleeping much recently so Jake took her to bed and called it a night. To be fair it was 10pm and I was surprised Zander wasn't flat out asleep either.

We went to bed together and I fell asleep after fiddling with Zander's hair in bed after a little

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