~ family day out ~

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Request: Precure30
Emoji's: 🖤🤍😍

Jake's POV~

"Girls are you ready yet?", I call for them.
"Nearly dad,", replied my 13-year old daughter.
"Me and Luna are waiting so hurry up,", I shout upstairs and head back into my kitchen.

I have two daughters, Luna & Frances. Luna is 8 and Frances is 13. I also have my beautiful wife Hailey. We are going to the local town. There's a market on and after that we are going to this pizza restaurant.

Hailey comes down stairs with Frances behind her. They come into the kitchen we're me and Luna are playing games on her iPad. It was some sort of weird merging game but it was quite fun.

"Hey honey,", my wife comes up to me.
"Hey are we all ready?", I ask my family. They all nodded their heads. I open the car and we leave the house.


"We're here!", my wife announces. Everyone gets out the car and I grab everyone's coats from the back.
"We need to stay warm because it's late and freezing as we are in winter,", I say. I help Luna with her gloves and I place her earmuffs on. She smiles at me and I hold her tiny hand while looking at the market.

Hailey buys some hand sewn bobbles, I bought some earrings for Luna and Frances and then I bought everyone a hot chocolate each. Well Hailey had a latte but still.

In the pizza place me and Hailey shared a Hawaiian pizza, Frances had a cheese pizza and Luna had a pepperoni pizza. It was a really fun time with my family!!

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