~ Prick of a needle ~

124 3 1

Request: ArvenTheRaven
Emojis: 🤍😍 (fantasy au)


I stumble over my feet when I stand at the bottom of the tower. I was with the Princess Daisy and my other soldier, Milly. We walk up the very high tower, many many steps. When we get to the top I get very tired so I bend over to catch my breath. I look up while the rest come through the door to see him. The prince that from the other lands. The prince had been put under a spell for 5 years now after many attempts off girls trying to undo the curse. The reason we are here is because the King believes Princess Daisy will wake up the prince with a kiss.

"So aren't you going kiss your prince your majesty?", milly asks her.
"Not yet,", she adjusts her crown, "I'm going to get a glass of water from the room next to us.".
"Alright your highness,", I nod my head, "We'll be here if you need anything.".
"Please just call be Daisy,", she says.
"Alright Daisy,", I responded and she walked into the kitchen area.

Me and Milly just sit in silence. I start looking over at the prince and start staring at his face. I didn't realise how long I was staring until I got interrupted.
"Prince a hottie like?", milly blurts out. I would to flustered to reply but I just looked at her and shaked my head.
"Why don't you kiss him then?", she suggests.
"No because that's what the princess has too do, not me,", I remind her.
"Fine be boring,", she rolls her eyes and then leans over the king.
"What are you doing,", I stand up in shock.
"What?", she looks at me, "If you're not gonna kiss him I will.".

I don't want her to do that. What if she wakes the king and I have to watch them together. I'd be happy for her for sure but I just love him so.
"Oi,", I stare her down before she kisses him, my confidence was slowly rising"Im not boring so move please.".
She moves to the side while I lean over him.
"Feisty much,", she grins.
"Shut up!", I sarcastically reply and I slowly lean in. I get close to his head as our noses touch. I aim towards his lips and feel the taste of them. It was so magical.

- magical sound effects -

"Omg,", Milly gasps. I look down as I separate from his lips. His eyes start to open. They were a beautiful brown colour. I look deep into his eyes and he looks in mine. The prince kisses me back and we slowly separate again. I move away from him so he can sit up straight. I sit on the edge of his bed, holding his hand.
"Hey,", I smile at him.
"Who are you,", he asks, "And why are you in my castle.".

Daisy walks into the room to see everything. The prince being awake and me holding his hand.
"Your awake!", she exclaims, "Hailey did you wake him up?".
"She did,", Milly says, "But it was my idea before you get mad Daisy.".
"I'm not mad, but actually happy,", the Princess confuses us, "You see I'm in love with someone else, one off the cooks and I haven't told my father yet because I don't think he would approve.".
"That makes so much sense now why your in the kitchen so much at the castle,", I realised.

"I'm so confused,", the prince sighs, "Why are you here Daisy with two soldiers and why are you in my house.".
"You see sir,", Milly explains too him, "You had been put under a curse for 5 years and the only way too get out off it was by a kiss of your true love. Your awake because Hailey here kissed you and turns out to be your true love.".
"Oh,", he clicks on, "So your my true love.".
"I guess,", I nervously smile.
"Your lucky Jake,", Daisy adds, "She's an amazing women.".

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