~ saw you in the snow ~

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Zander's POV~

"I'm here b1tches!", Milly slams open the door with her suitcase in her other hand.
"Calm down sweetie,", Elliott hushed her.

Request: me
Emojis: 😍🤍💔
Based: if Jake had never made up with the club again (ages : 23)

I was walking in the snow on a winter morning, feeling the snow beneath my feet crunch. You could see that it had been snowing over night because the branches were full of snow. It was later in the day so there were a few children running around making snowmen. My earmuffs blurred out some of their excited squeals.

I get closer to a bench and decide to sit down for a few minutes to catch my breath. I could already see my frosty breath. I grab my phone put my pocket to check the time. My brother had messaged me but I ignored him and put my phone back in my pocket.

I stand back up and start walking again. I didn't really focus on the road, I mainly focused on the cracks in the path. The snow covered a lot of the path but the bits it didn't I let my eyes follow the pattern.

- bump into someone -

"I'm sor-" I start to apologise and then I look up to see . . .


"Hailey!" he blurted before I could run away.
"Jake." I reply.
"I haven't seen you since. ." the boy starts to remember what happened.
"I need to go,", I start to walk away but before I get very far he grabs my shoulder.
"Hailey please,", he begs. I look him properly in the eye, his beautiful brown eyes.
"Just listen to me,", he demanded, "I didn't mean what I sai-".

I grabbed his t-shirt and kissed him. I know he betrayed the club but I couldn't stop thinking about him.  I pull apart and look him in the eyes. He then leans in and we kiss for the second time but this time it was more sweet and passionate.

"I know what happened,", I state, "Lia messaged me soon after you left.".
"Hailey I'm sorry,", he apologised.
"You have nothing to be sorry about,", i hug him in a tight clasp, "It's Zoey and Drew's fault.".

"I've missed you so much,", He holds my hand.
"I've missed you more.".

Tmf one shots (discontinued after I post ones I begun)Where stories live. Discover now