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"thank you vik for this." She spoke as she started the cloning machine. It started to slowly clone her, sculpt her and make her body. She turned to look at him and rubbed her head, smiling.

"No problem, v. Listen are you sure you want to bring back johnny SilverHand?" Vik asked, his eyes trailing over to Johnny's body. Flicking his tongue, seemed agitated that she wanted johnny of all things back.

She chuckled, "yes vik. I need to destroy soul killer and mikoshi. And arasaka.  The only way to do so, is with johnny. Plus he's not all that bad, he's a good guy when you get to know him." She spoke as she dialed in something on the cloning machine.

"Whatever v, just be careful. He could be playing you." Vik sounded.. jealous in a way. She tilted her head at him and he sighed, rubbing his fingers between his eyes. "Nevermind v, I gotta go back to work." Vik said as he walked over to her door, unlocked it and left.

"Damn what crawled up his ass and died?" Johnny asked rolling his eyes.

"Your still a terrorist ya know. Not everyone likes that" She rolled her eyes giving him a smile.

"Yeah well your about to be a terrorist too, v. " He chuckled before asking a question. "When do you think our body's will be ready?" He leaned up against the wall.

"My body will take longer then a week. Yours is ready to go. So.. I know it's a lot to ask but you will need to take my chip and hold on to it until my body is ready, johnny." She rubbed her face. "I'm going to die before the week ends." She sounded stressed. She didn't want to experience death again.

"So we need alt now. To split us. And then misty will insert your chip, Kerry and her will help you work through everything. Please be easy on them. I don't want to be a chip forever.. or stuck.. in prison." She asked of him, a pleading tone in her voice.

Johnny shook his head, giving her a smile. "V, I promise to put you back into your body when it's ready. I don't promise to not be a dick to anyone but I'll try for you." He told her, shifting a bit. "Let's get ready to go netrun, we should do it somewhere safe and with other people. And have someone we trust come with us to grab our shards and transfer the data to my body." 

"Alright.. let's go to Brigette."

-- time skip --

We stood there behind the black wall, staring at what looked to be alt, just pure codes. We were made out of codes as well. She had agreed to split our minds apart as long as we infiltrate arasaka after and put her into their systems so she can destroy them from the inside out.

"However, I must warn you. You guys will still be connected. But no longer will you both be dying." Alt warned us, I nodded my head.

I looked over to johnny, "I'll see you on the other side?"I said giving him a worried smile. "See you on the other side, v." He gave me a genuine smile for once and it calmed my nerves. And then gave alt a thumbs up.

Everything went black for me as she started the process. I could no longer hear, feel or see anything. Everything was black for miles. I was gone. Again.


Third pov:

Johnny's cryo chamber started to beep and make a alarm go off a few days after his shard was transferred to his body. The chamber opening, johnny sitting up in a panic. Freaking out, the alarms blaring weren't helping. He was disoriented and he couldn't see for a few seconds making him fall onto the floor out of the cryo chamber.

He gasped for air as he laid on the floor, trying to calm down. His body was overwhelmed and cold.
"F-fuuk" he tried to speak, his head pounding. He ripped the wires out of him, making him since, "Shit.."   Misty immediately rushed up, wrapping a towel around him and backing up, wanting to give him space.

"Go..Go the fuck away. Please. And...and uh get me clothes. " He half-yelled at her, trying to not be a dick but his brain was practically all over the place and he was trying to get himself in order. Misty glared at him " fine, but only because v likes you." before heading out of the apartment to go grab clothes.

He took deep breaths. Trying to get more feeling in his limbs. He moved his fingers, and started to move his legs. He slowly stood up, stumbling a bit. Struggling to stand.

His body was very weak. And he's been dead 50 years. But he had to focus on more important things. He looked over at v's cryo chamber, he knew he had to transfer her data into it. Her body was at 100% completion now, the transferring and him waking up took forever.

He stumbled towards her chamber. Linking himself to it, he transferred her over to the body and let the cryo chamber do it's thing. He sighed looking down at the very beautiful women in the cryo chamber, he isn't someone who prays ever.. in his life but he prays she's going to make it out of this.

He stumbled, regaining some of his balance and made it towards v's bed. Sitting down. This was unreal for me, sitting here feeling everything. The cold air.. his hair standing up on his skin from the cold and goose bumps everywhere. He felt.. alive. Finally. So alive.

Misty walked in, shoving clothes at him. " Did you transfer her data into her cryo chamber?" She asked crossing her arms. "Yes, I did. I promised her I would
She should be awake soon.. hopefully." He said, looking at the clothes. Basic but they will do. 

"Now get out so I can change." He grumbled to her, standing up, using the towel to cover himself up. She rolled her eyes a bit before giving him a small smile, cautious smile but a smile. She didn't trust him to well. Not like v did anyway. "fine, I'm coming back in a few hours to check on v." She said. "Keep a eye on her samurai." She waved at him before leaving.

Johnny decided to get dressed after misty left, slipping on the t-shirt and sweatpants she gave him.  He stood there looking in the mirror, he was relieved to see himself and not v. His body definitely needed to rest more. But he wanted to make sure v was okay first.

So he slipped out of the bathroom and headed towards her cryo chamber, checking the stats. Her body was working, Alive and her estimated wakeup time was 48 hours. He hoped it was right. He ran his fingers through his hair and decided to lay down. His body was exhausted.

The blankets smelt like v, so much. It made his heart warm and he hated it. He hates how she makes him so weak.. but he could think about that later. He slipped under the blankets, enjoying her scent, he could finally smell her. She smelt so good, he will admit. finally... He got a nights rest of sleep, since he got into v's head.

Johnny SilverHand - Never Fade AwayWhere stories live. Discover now