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Johnny noticed v wasn't the same since the night of the gig. She would avoid him as much as possible. He didn't know if she could feel everything like he could but he could feel her pain. It was like a constant throbbing in his chest Everytime she was around him. It was killing him.

And he was worried he did something stupid while drunk that night. He doesn't have any memories of it after talking to Kerry. Someone, a women handed him a drink and after that everything was a blur.

But right now they were doing a job and he needed to focus.

"Alright v, I got my sights on the arasaka scum." Johnny said over the comms. His scope aimed perfectly at the guy's head. This guy was one of Arasaka board members and he needed to go. He was positioned on top of a building across from the conference room.  The building was a smaller building then arasaka but it was a place they met often.

Johnny wasn't entirely sure how v knew so much about corpos and their board members but he'd ask her later.

"Okay wait for my signal.." v muttered over the comms, she was sitting in the crowd, her arm over some corpo scum she seduced to bring her with to the conference.

The target walked up after the last guy got done talking and started chattering away about some unimportant arasaka business v couldn't care less about.

"Now." V said over the comms, a gun shot went off, the guys brains splattering all over the wall behind him, he fell to the ground and everyone started screaming and freaking out, rushing out the doors or trying to. The doors were locked. Everyone started panicking, pushing each other. So scared. everyone here was arasaka scum and part of it in some way.

V never moved, she stood up and stood on the chair, pulling out a sub machine gun and shooting it in the air. "ALRIGHT listen up scum bags, your all going to get on the ground and shut the fuck up. We aren't done yet" She shouted loudly, a menacing tone in her voice. Everyone immediately scrambled about and got down on the ground, cowering. Smh, like these guys want mercy or sympathy from here.

A guy she recognized, her old boss stood. up. "V??" suddenly recognizing her. "What are you doing?" He asked her stepping closer to her. She kicked him in his balls, making him fall to his knees, groaning holding his crotch, she pointed the sub machine gun at his head. "Sit the fuck down and be quiet or I will shoot you." She yelled at the guy.  The guy obliged in obvious pain. She stepped back and got to work.

She grabbed her bag, pulling out a parachute backpack and putting it on, hooking it up correctly. Her gun still aimed at the scum bags. They were about 100 stories up in the sky. 

She put her bag on the stage, not caring to much about the dead guy on it. She opened it up, there was a bomb in it with a timer on it. She wanted to leave a impact on these assholes. It would blow the entire floor up, not just this room. She smirked, turning it on, the timer was set to 30 seconds so she had to be quick.

She zipped the backpack up, turning her head back to the scum bags on the floor.  "Alright scum bags. See you never" she saluted them, giving them a smile before shooting out the window and diving out. Her parachute opening.

One of the arasaka agents stood up, confused as to why she just left like that. He went over to her bag she left and unzipped it. His eyes widen and then- BOOM.

The entire top of the building just blew up, pieces of rubble flying all down onto the streets below. The building on fire, alarms blaring.

Johnny SilverHand - Never Fade AwayWhere stories live. Discover now