7: Between me, the sand and the sea

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Day 7: Free day - Family

Waves crash into the shore. The soft wind brushes past their hair and off into the abyss, traveling to a destination no one is sure of and avoiding obstacles that tear it's path. She stands there in her mothers arms, looking small against the giant body of water in front of her. She inhales the salt air, feels the hot sun kiss her skin, the burning sand that tickled her feet minutes before she was scooped into her mothers arms. Her eyes are wide with emotion. 

Her tiny hand reaches up and points at the water. "The sea!" She exclaims followed by an excited squeal. "That's the sea!" 

Her brother is on the ground, his bare feet soaking up the warmth of the sand between his toes. He mirrors her expression of excitement but his father's curiosity remains. 

"What's on the other side?" He looks up to meet his father's eyes. 

Armin kneels down to his level and brushes his hand through the child's blonde locks. "People. So many other people of different races and cultures."

Aslan's face looks puzzled. "Like horse races?"

Armin can't help but chuckle at his child. His hand travels to the boy's shoulder now. "No, not like horse races."

"What kind of races, then?" The curious boy asks before his father can even continue. 

 "A race is a group of people in a specific region that share the same cultures. But just because they share a different culture than us doesn't mean they aren't people. They, like everyone else, are just as deserving of love as we are." 

"What's a region?" Is all the boy gets from all of that. 

Armin sighs but a smile is still painted on his face. "You know what, let's enjoy the sea for now. We'll talk about this at home." 

"Otay!" Sand lifts up with the breeze when his little feet kick off and carry him towards the sea. His little sister wiggles in Annie's arms. 

"Down! Mama, down!"

Annie places the toddler down on the sand and has just enough time to ruffle her hair a little before she watches her run towards the salty sea. It's not two minutes later that she watches the little boy run back to them and hide behind her. Augustine splashes around at the shore. 

"It tastes bad." His previous smile is now replaced with a frown. His eyes fill with tears. 

"Aslan," Still kneeling on the ground, Armin reaches his hand out towards his son. "I've told you, the water's salty, love. You're not supposed to drink it." His face shows sympathy, though. 

The frown on his face remains. "But I was thirsty." 

Armin wipes his tears away, then holds out a water bottle toward. "Drink this."  

It's been months since they first had the conversation about the vast, salty water from their father's stories. Not a day went by where at least one of the kids didn't bring it up so, although it's still only late spring, Armin and Annie decided it would be a good time to make the trip. Upon hearing the news, the kids were both ecstatic. Now that they're there, they appear to be right in their element. It's as if they're home. 

Aslan stuffs himself with fresh water and hands the bottle back to his father. He wipes away the rest of his tears. 

"Go play now." Armin gently pats his head. He takes the bottle and puts it away in his backpack. He watches his son run off towards the water where his mother and sister play with the waves. 

Years ago, Armin never would've imagined having this life. He never would've imagined living long enough to see the water in front of him, let alone marry the woman he had a crush on since he first laid his eyes on her - despite how brutal her kicks were and how deadly her glare seemed. Now, almost twenty years since then, he watches his three favorite people in adoration. In a way, he's grateful to Eren. He'll never come to terms with all the deaths caused by the rumbling and all the bodies that were never identified but if it wasn't for that, both he and Annie would've been dead before they reached 30. He wouldn't have this little peaceful life he's dreamed of. Although, he must admit, he does miss his friend a lot, he wouldn't trade his family for anything. 

One day he'll tell his children about his best friend. He'll tell them about the rumbling and the nightmares it still brings. They'll learn about it in school, anyways. They'll start to ask questions. And he'll give them all the correct answers. He'll explain it to them as best as he can so they know. But for now, he enjoys living in the silent comfort of Annie when neither one of them can sleep and both of them suppress the need to cry. And right now, in this moment, he can finally say he's happy. 

He watches Annie in her sun-kissed state and calm smile, Augustine submerging her hands in the water and muddying them with dirt and Aslan as he bends down to pick up a seashell brought to shore by the waves. They don't know about the blood spilled in that very see but for now, they don't have to. Armin enjoys the sweet innocence that his children bring into this world. 

"Papa look what I found!" The blonde haired girl breaks his train of thought when she runs over. She extends her hand towards her father and proudly shows off the seashell that was in her older brother's hand just a moment ago. 

"No I found it!" Aslan yells, running after her. Following after them is their mother who shakes her head whilst suppressing a laugh. 

Armin's lips linger on his daughter's warm hand for a second when he accepts the showcasing of the shell. He nods with approval. "Good job, both of you." 

"Hey give it back, it's mine!" The boy protests. 

"No!" It's one of Augustine's loud squeals. "It mine!" Annie takes a deep breath to steady herself. Armin only nods at his wife for reassurance. She's come to far, both as a person and a mother. He didn't want to pressure her into having them but eventually, she agreed on her own terms.  

"Give it back, Tini!" Judging by his tone, Armin knows tears are about to get involved. 

"How about you give it to your mom instead." He suggests. 

"I do it!" The almost three year old squeals with excitement. She turns to run towards her beloved mother but gets tackled by her brother instead, who reclaims the shell in his little hand and places it in Annie's palm before the little girl can even get up. 

"Thank you, Aslan." Annie kneels on the ground to meet his eyes. "But what have we learned? You mustn't hurt anyone and that includes your sister. Be gentle, alright?" She runs her hand through his hair to make sure the gesture comes off as advice instead of scolding. It makes it seem less threatening for him. He's not in trouble, he's just made a simple mistake. The boy seems to understand and rushes back towards his sister. 

He reaches his hand out and helps Augustine up. Then, he dusts the sand off of her skirt and knees. "I'm sorry, Tini. I didn't mean to." 

Augustine looks to her parents, then her brother and wraps her arms around him. "'t's otay! I'm sowwy too!" The sweet innocence that comes with children, the gentle reminder that not all aspects of the world are cruel. 

That night, when he looks at Annie's sleeping frame beside him, he doesn't think of the rumbling, or the titans, or the blood. Instead, he thinks of all the little moments they've shared since then. The little moments they couldn't have gotten if they didn't live through those horrors. As he leaves a gentle kiss on her forehead he's yet again reminded of all that he felt when he first saw her after four years. If him experiencing that feeling in every lifetime means the ending of the world, he'd watch it all burn. 

Right then and there, he realizes that this is the freedom Eren longed for. Not the freedom of titans or bloodshed but the freedom that comes with the ability to declare peace with yourself. All on your own terms. That's what true freedom is and for Armin. To be free to chose how you live your life. 

A/N: Hey guys! Today's the final day and I'm sad. I can't wait until the next event.

Anyways, take care!!

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