Chapter 4

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It's been months.
I couldn't sleep.
I was a mess.
I've been staying in a hotel, using Thomas' money. I've been wearing cheap clothes from the nearest Walmart.
I've made a good friendship with the bar tender I went to everyday; he always knew what drinks to get me.
I sat on the same spot as always, my engagement ring set on the table in front of me. It gently twinkled under the dim lights. All emotions powered out and were never to be found. I was a walking corpse, soon to collapse.
The bar tender walked in my direction and I placed the ring in my pocket, nodding as he placed another glass of liquor on my table. I placed the cold glass against my lips and squeezed my eyes shut as the alcohol burned down my throat. I set the empty glass down and held my head as it throbbed in massive pain. Pains like these were a natural thing, and no matter how many pills I took it never went away.
A man pulls a chair in front of me and I looked up.
I quickly spoke up, my voice groggy yet stern. "I'm not interested."
"I'm buying you a drink, relax," he said. I raised an eyebrow questioningly, but who was I to ignore a free drink?
"Make that two drinks," I ordered and this caused him to raise an eyebrow as well. His dark eyes stared back at mine. Dark shadows were printed under my eyes from lack of sleep.
"Fine," he agreed. I nodded and he motioned the bar tender to bring us some drinks. I took my two free drinks gladly. I drank the first glass slowly, only taking sips like a normal person would.
"Tell me, what's your name?" He asked, running his index finger over the top of the glass, leaned back against his chair.
I raised an eyebrow. "You told me you'd buy me a drink, not set me up for a Christian's Mingle date," I replied and took one of the ice cubes in my mouth, chewing it.
He sighed and took a sip of his drink as well.
"I'm Michael, by the way," he said, his eyes still fixed on me.
"I didn't ask for your name," I retort, looking anywhere but him.
"I'm trying to make conversation here."
"Well I didn't ask for conversation."
"You've been staring at that ring for hours."
I stopped, giving him the eye contact he wanted. It took everything in me not to pounce the guy on the spot.
"Oh so you're a stalker, too? Great combination buddy," I snicker, rolling my eyes bitterly.
"You sit here every day and you drink. It's been what, 4 months?"
I slam my drink back on the table.
"Listen, I bet you're very freaked out. But I lost my wife as well, and-"
"Sucks to be you," I hissed, cutting him off short. "But sadly I'm not interesting in handing out pity."
"That's not what I want!" He said, now nervous. "I'm just saying that maybe we can help each other!"
I glared at him and laughed, waiting to see what else he had to say.
"Listen I saw you come in here 4 months ago and ever since you've seen staring at the ring of yours. You're a very beautiful woman and I'm just saying that maybe we could-"
"I'm not interested." I swallow down the last bit of alcohol and stand up, throwing my bag over my shoulder and leaving the bar. I walked into my hotel room and threw my shoes off, plopping onto my bed with the usual and painfully growing exhaustion. I felt my eyes droop, and for once I fell asleep.


I woke up only a few hours later to a knock on my door. I don't know who it could've been, but I was infuriated. I told the cleaning women never to stop at my door, they knew that!
I growled under my breath as I stomped over to the door in wonder as to what would they want. The first time I've been able to sleep in days and they just, ugh! I yank open the door angrily and hissed at the lady, "What do you want!!"
She flinched in fear, but only extended her hands outward. In her arms she held a small bouquet of flowers.
"Th-these are for you, miss."
"For me? The hell?" I snap them out of her hands and notice a paper wiggled between the flowers. I close the door in her face and pluck out the small card inside. I read out the words,

" Meet me at the bar,
-Michael "

I roll my eyes, crumbling up the card in my fist as I shoved my feet back into my shoes. I had nothing else to do, so might as well right? I walked down to the bar, braiding my hair quietly as I found a chair in the darkness. Whistles and howls were passed as I walked by, my skinny jeans framing my body perfectly. I ignored them. A taller figure came towards me, "hey."
I looked up at him and took notice some of his features now that I wasn't in a drunken state. He had dark hair that was ruffled in a very attractive way, a nicely defined jawline that slightly scared me to touch. He wore a long sleeved shirt which I assumed was black due to the poor lighting.
The strong scent of alcohol clogged up into my nose every time I stepped inside, but now I could smell cologne.
"Wanna tell me why I'm here?" I ask with disinterest, folding my arms across my chest.
"Yes, we're going on a date."

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