Chapter 12

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I slept all of that day as well as the next day, until I forced myself out of the bed to get ready for this 'big special date' Michael had planned out for us.
I took a shower and found a large bag hanging in my closet. As I pulled down the zipper, I rolled my eyes at the sight of a long purple dress.
I put it on and to my surprise it fit me. I was kind of weirded out that he would know my size, but I couldn't lie, it was a beautiful dress. It fit perfectly down my frame. There was a long slit down the side revealing most of my leg.
I didn't have anything here, all I had was Walmart clothes. I placed my hair up into a neat bun and I grab my simple white flats. I didn't have any heels to wear, nor did I have makeup.
I opened the door when a knock was heard and I smiled at the cleaned up man before me.
He wore nice pants with a light grey button-down shirt.
"I um, I didn't have any heals to wear," I mumbled and looked down, moving the bottom of my dress to reveal my flats.
He chuckled softly. "It's alright. Shall we get going?" He asked and offered me his arm.
A small smile curved on my lips and I linked our arms together. As we entered the elevator, Michael looked down at me and noticed the bag hanging on my shoulder.
"Um," he mumbled out in questioning. "Do you have to bring that?"
I could tell by the tone of his voice that he wanted me to leave it behind. And while it didn't match at all with the outfit, I still had to bring it with me. It was a piece of me I couldn't leave behind. I carried my past in it.
"Yes, yes I do," I answered in a firm yet polite voice.
Michael quickly dropped the topic and opened the door for me to the passenger seat.

Upon arrival, I grew a bit nervous. We reached a crowded parking lot and he walked me towards a rather fancy looking building.
The entrance were two large rounded doors with silky violet curtains around in decoration. Two fit men stood by the entrance, their aura itself intimidating.
With confidence at Michael's shoulders, he walked in front of the men and handed him two rectangular tickets with cursive writing across it.
The suited, bald man nodded towards Michael and with that we passed through the large doors.
A small breath was contained in my chest as my eyes scanned through the large room.
The floor was a clean marble and the walls were covered with soft white rocks. Curtains danced and curved along the walls and roof, leaving space for the diamond chandeliers that sparkled down at the tables.
Males and females chatted in tables, makeup cascading their face with beauty and elegance. At the very front was a small yet wide stage.
A small tap on my shoulder pulled me out of my trance and my eyes came up to focus on the smiling face.
"Like it?" He asked with a content yet nervous voice.
Without words I could only nod, his smile reflecting down on mine. Another man with a more approachable face led us to an empty table for two.
Michael pulled out my chair and I sat down, watching the waiter serve wine in two glasses.
I've been through plenty of nice dates with Thomas before, but I could never get use to them. They were always so beautiful and each one was so different.
His fame meant nothing to me, because I loved him for who he was, but I couldn't lie and say that the places he took me weren't an exhilarating dream.
"Are you okay?"
The question flicked me into reality.
Michael's eyes looked at my thoughtful expression, almost more sad than happy.
Why was I thinking of Thomas?
I erased my frown with the best smile I could forge. "Nothing!" I insisted and reached for my glass of wine, taking a sip. "You know, I feel kind of under-dressed," I said quietly, observing all the beautiful woman in the room.
"Oh, please," he scoffed. "You're the most beautiful creature here."
I rolled my eyes playfully and set my glass down.
After a few minutes of chatter, multiple waiters walked around passing out salads. The lights dimmed down leaving only the thin Christmas lights that were curled around the curtains on.
A purple light grabbed my attention. I turned my head to the right and saw everyone's focus on the stage.
A respectful and quiet applaud was spread around the room as a group of ladies walked to the stage, their heels clicking on the wood until they reached their microphones. They introduced themselves as singers.
As their voices softly rang through the air, a smile tugged at my lips.
My view was partly interrupted when a tall figure walked in front of me. My attention went to the man who walked in a black suit. For some reason he seemed familiar. I moved slightly in my chair to see if I could make out a face.
An earbud was connected into his ear. Curiosity took over me as I excused myself to go to the restroom. I tailed Jason from a distance, painting a casual look on my face.
Jason turned to the right down a hall which looked like it led back stage. I bit my bottom lip and clutched the strap of my bag, clenching it tightly in my fist as I tried to fight the urge to peek.
I stayed behind the wall where he turned to. I sighed and rolled my eyes, turning my head over to peek behind it.
At the opposite wall were two metallic doors, which with the dim lighting I assumed were the Emergency Exit doors.
Jason pushes one door open and two men entered. Jason's tall figure blocked my view from seeing the two new faces.
They all headed further down the hall and I let out a quiet grunt.
Something in my chest wanted me to follow them. I swiftly turned behind the wall and followed down the same path they did. I stopped once I was back stage.
A group of maybe four were huddled together, talking silently.
I looked over and saw Jason in the corner speaking silently to himself.
Was he wearing a radio?
One of the members in the small group turned around and a small breath was held in my throat.
Ava Sangster.
I quickly hid behind the wall again as I began to panic, my breathing quickening.
If Ava was here, then...
My heart started to beat faster than healthy. I bent down taking a knee and I peaked over the wall, my hands shaking as I gripped the corner of the wall.
My eyes hesitantly looked back over at the group.
Ava continued to adjust the height of the microphone stand. I looked over and saw another male form sitting behind drums, twirling one of the sticks in his fingers.
A second woman stood in the front, adjusting a flower that was placed into her hair. My heart pounded into my ears to the point where I physically couldn't hear anything but my own breath and heart.
It was his mother...
I knew these people, which meant only one was missing in the band.
I hated myself as I looked to the other side of Ava, knowing I'd find someone I shouldn't.
My breathing came to an abrupt stop and my heart refused to beat for several seconds. My eyes glued to the man who I've been avoiding for four months, a man who ripped me up into nothing as if I was paper, a man I shouldn't have to see again... Thomas Sangster himself.

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