Chapter 11

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The next day was sad and groggy.
Thunder shook the floors and rain clawed against the glass slide doors that led to the porch.
I actually sat out in the porch for about half an hour. I always loved the rain, and today was a great day for it to storm. It relaxed my body and comforted my soul. Once I started to get cold I walked back into the room and closed the doors and curtains. I stripped off my soaked clothes and took a warm shower.
Afterwards I put on some undergarments and one of the large shirts I had bought.
Jason hadn't come this morning to do his usual cleaning. I suppose he thought I'd be sleeping all day.
While I was ready to crawl back under the sheets, there was a knock on the door.
I felt dead inside, only a walking corpse. I open the door and find an excited Michael.
"Guess what, y/n!" He shouted eagerly. "Tomorrow night we'll be going somewhere super nice cause I reserved us some seats!" He ranted happily.
He was such a nice guy.
"Hopefully it'll stop raining by tomorrow cause nothing can ruin-"
I grabbed him by the shoulders and reached up on my toes, and without thinking, I kissed him.
His eyes widened in shock, but he kissed back.
I slowly pulled away, standing back firmly on my feet.
He finally looked at me, his eyes scanning my entire body.
"Whoa..." He breathed out while looking into my eyes. "What was that for?"
"I just need to feel loved..." I answered while keeping my focus down at my feet.
"Oh, y/n..." He walked into the room and closed the door behind me.
I suddenly find myself pushed gently against the wall with Michael's hands on my thighs, lifting me up until I wrapped my legs around his waist.
He pressed down a kiss onto my lips and I kissed back, tilting my head slightly to deepen it.
He pulls away slightly, leaving our faces centimeters apart.
"You are so... Different," he said in a soft voice, his thumb caressing one of my cheeks. "So beautiful. So adventurous and strong. You deserve to be loved every second of your life."
I looked into his eyes but they slowly became a blur as my eyes were clogged up once more with tears. They silently ran down my cheeks and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a gently hug.
He carried me over to the bed and laid me down. I let him go.
"How about some hot chocolate?" He asked gently. His thumbs wiped away my tears.
I smiled weakly and nodded. "That sounds nice..."
He smiled gently and headed out the door. Once again I felt alone. I reached over and grabbed my bag. I pulled out my phone and ring.
I kept my phone off all these months, too afraid to look at the messages I got, or if I even got any.
I turned it on and typed in my password, and immediately it started to vibrate with dozens and dozens of messages.

236 unread messages.
96 missed calls.
96 voicemails.

I frowned and tapped on my messages.

143 of the messages were from Thomas.
47 of them were from Alyssa.
26 of them were from my parents.
20 of them were from random others.

I didn't bother to read them. I tapped on the phone app and scrolled through all the missed calls. I tapped on the voicemails and took in a shaky breath, tempted to listen to them.

I sigh and decided on it. I pressed the phone against my ear and let all the voicemails play:

"96 voicemails," the auto voice spoke.
" 'Hey, y/n... It's me again.... I miss you so much.... Please.... It's been too long...' "
It was Thomas.
" 'Babe.... It's been three months.... How long are you going to ignore me for...?' "
" 'y/n! Why won't you answer already?! I haven't seen you since you were in the hospital and you have me worried sick! Please! *sobs* ' "
It was Alyssa.
" ' *violent sobbing* y/n oh my god... For the love of God... I just need to hear your voice... To know you're okay... Please... Please tell me you're okay...' "
Thomas again.
" 'y/n please I'm so sorry I'm begging you .... I can't live without out you.... I can't sleep anymore.... ' "
" 'dammit y/n!!! I'm sorry!!!! I'm sorry!!! *glass shattering and loud crying* just come home!!! I'll do anything!!! ' "

I quickly put the phone down and held my mouth shut with my hand, my tears welling up. I couldn't stand hearing him cry. He sounded so broken... So confused and lost.
The door comes open once more and I quickly shove the ring into the bag as well as my phone. Michael comes in with a cup of hot chocolate, a small smile on his face.
I set the bag on the floor and tried my best to return the smile.
He hands me the cup and sits by my feet.
I take a small sip and goosebumps formed down my skin.
"Do you want anything else?" He asked calmly.
I shook my head. "No thanks... I just kind of want to sleep all day."
He nodded and leaned forward, planting a kiss on my head.
"Alright, if you need anything, just come find me okay?" He said and I nodded.
He headed out the door and I grabbed the phone again. I got on Instagram and had hundreds of thousands of comments and posts that I was tagged in. I had a lot of followers, being Thomas' fiancé and all. I didn't like the word famous, so I simply titled myself as well-known.
I scrolled through all the comments:

"Y/n!!!! Where are you?!?!"
"Please come back!!💔"
"Are you okay?!"
"We miss you!!! 😭"
"You're not dead are you?!"
"Let's all start a hunt for y/n!!"
"Y/n y/n y/n y/n!!!!"
"What happened?!?! Is everything okay?!"
"Where are you?!"
"We read about the crash... ANSWER US!!"

I sigh and looked at the last picture I posted four months ago, it was a picture of Thomas proposing to me.
In the picture I looked so happy, tears of joy streaming down my face. I looked so innocent. I thought I had the world in my hands... Little did I know that everything was going to be ripped away from me and leave me dead...

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