Chapter 10

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I screamed and wept. I grabbed everything I could and threw it. I tossed the desk chair across the room,
I slammed my fists on the wall and tugged on my hair.
I hated everything. I felt a rage boil down my veins.
A knock was heard through the door but I ignored it, grabbing all the pillows and throwing them, tearing the bed apart. The mattress slid off to the floor and crashed against the night stand, causing the lamp to fall over and break. My door bursts open and arms wrapped tightly around my waist.
I screamed and tried to pull away.
"Relax, relax!!!" A deep voice shouted into my ear.
It was Jason, the maid.
"We've been getting complaints about you."
I grabbed fistfuls of my hair and tugged, crying loudly. I couldn't give a shit about being too loud.
He grabbed my arms and tried to pull them away. "Hey, what's wrong with you?!"
I let go of my hair and squirmed in his arms.
"Let me go!!!" I screamed.
"No!" He shouted. His grip failed to loosen. He was a big man.
"I SAID LET ME GO!!!" I screeched at the top of my lungs and felt my throat become raw.
"Not until you calm down!!!"
I elbowed him in the stomach, slapped at his arms, kicked my legs, but nothing would make him let me go.
I eventually stopped fighting against him and I cried loudly on the spot, my head dropped forward and my hair covering my face.
Despair washed over my angry body and I weakly slumped down, now needing Jason to hold me for support.
His hand gently brushes my hair out of my face and he turns me around to face me.
My face was red and my eyes were a soft shade of pink. My cheeks were drenched with my tears that ran down my neck.
My tears denied to end.
"What got into you?" He asked as he held me up by my arms.
"I..." I whimpered out and shook my head, finding it impossible to find the words while my heart crushed into nothing but ashes. "I miss him so much..." I cried and covered my face with my hands.
A soft sigh comes from Jason. "Here."
I look up and see him holding up a box of tissues.
My shaky hands grab hold of the box and I pluck out a tissue. I quietly watched as Jason walked behind me and pushed the bed back into place and pick up all the pillows.
He led my shaking body to the bed and I sat down.
I blew my nose out into the tissue. It was disgusting and he was probably grossed out, finding me an even bigger mess than I already was.
He sits beside me and looks at me.
"I just can't believe he would cheat on me like that," I choke out, my voice stuffy and weak.
He sighs and puts a hand on my back, rubbing it gently. "I'm sorry, kid..."
I let my head rest on his shoulder and we both sat there in silence as I tried to calm myself down. My breathing was broken and uneven.
"Don't worry about the broken lamp, I'll take care of it," he said in attempt to lift up the mood and I weakly smiled, wiping the tissues against my wet cheeks.
"I'm sorry for being rude to you this morning," he said and I could hear the honesty in his voice. He probably feels bad after seeing me like this.
I look down at my hands as they ripped up a clean tissue.
"It's fine... I guess I'm use to my new life now.."
Jason frowned and stood up.
"How about I go get you some pizza? On me."
I shook my head, not looking up at him.
"I'm not hungry. Thanks though..." I replied silently. I felt so empty... So weak and so tired. "I think I'll just get some rest.."
He nodded gently and quietly headed towards the door. "Goodnight y/n."
"Goodnight Bruce..."
He stopped in front of the door and turned to look at me.
"How'd you know my real name?" He questioned and I tiredly shrugged.
"It's on your name tag... But I'll probably keep calling you Jason."
He chuckled quietly and opened the door to leave.
I laid back on the bed and listened as the door shut closed.
With the lights on and the room a mess, I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep.

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