Charmander-The Stray Pokémon!

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(This is a request and is totally optional but so I can continue making chapters and future books it would help me a lot if you guys voted for the chapters so I can gain more publicity)

Last time on our journey. We went to a sacred lake that was pointed out to us by a cashier at the pokémart. When we got there we met a huge strong blastoise that mega evolved. Since we've already encountered two and there are most definitely more we named these pokémon 'Boss pokémon'. When I was battling the mega blastoise my ivysaur evolved into venasaur and I used my first ever mega evolution. Now we march onto Vermilion City.

Auro:Guys I'm pretty sure that's a pokémon on that rock.

Auro:Guys I'm pretty sure that's a pokémon on that rock

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Ash:Yeah you're right.

Misty:Auro use your pokédex on it.

Auro:Good idea.

I pulled out my pokédex and logged onto the pokédex app. I scanned the pokémon and Dexter gave us a description.

Dexter:Dex no:004. Charmander the lizard pokémon. A fire type. From the time it is born a flame burns at the tip of its tail. Its life would end if the flame was to ever go out.

Ash:That's enough for me I'm gonna catch it.

Auro:Ash I wouldn't advise that. Apparently, out of all the starter pokémon the charmander line is the most feral and violent in the wild.

Ignoring my statement Ash chucked a pokéball at charmander anyway. The charmander using its tail swung the pokèball back at Ash and hit him with ember.

Auro:Let me find out what its doing here. I'll talk to it and translate.

I walked over to the charmander and stroked its back to show that I'm a friend.

Auro:Charmander what are you doing here.

Charmander:Char char charmander (my pokémon trainer Damien promised me that he would come back as long as I waited on this rock).

Auro:I see and how long have you been waiting.

Charmander:Char (three days).

Auro:We can take you to the pokémon center for food.

Charmander:Charmander char (its fine I'll stay here).

Auro:OK but if you ever need me use ember on the sky and I'll come straight after you.

The charmander nodded and I came back to the group.

Brock:So what did it say.

Auro:A brief summary is that the charmander is waiting on the rock because Damien its trainer promised to come back for it.

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