Electric Shock Showdown!

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Last time on our journey, we arrived at Vermilion city. We went to the pokémon center where an avalanche of patients came in due to the gym leader Lt Surge. Most importantly we had a very eventful time on the S.S. Anne. Where kadabra evolved into alakazam, Team Rocket invaded the ship and me and Gary had a battle where Alakazam accidently killed raticate. Now we are in the pokémon center to discuss an ergent matter with Prof Oak.

Auro:Guys the line's not coming through.

Brock:Maybe you can talk to him after you beat the gym.

Auro:Yo bet it Brock I'll crush that gym.

While I said that a severely battered and bruised pidgey came in on a stretcher.

Auro:Nurse Joy what happened to him.

Nurse Joy:Oh its just a result of battling our gym leader. That's the 20th one this month.

Ash:Um do you think he's really that tough.

Misty started taunting Ash about what might happen to his pokémon if he tries to challenge lieutenant Surge. After hearing all of that pikachu was disheartened and didn't want to battle with Ash. While they bickered me and Brock walked out of the center and into the gym.

(At the gym)

Gym Attendant:Welcome challenger! I know what you might be thinking. Why is there an electromagnetic gate separating you from our gym leader and bins scattered around.

Auro:Not really.

Gym Attendant:I'll tell you anyway. This is the first gym puzzle that you will face. You have to find two of the switches in the trash bins to open the gate and battle lieutenant Surge. Now he's a fresh water just in case.

Brock went to the stands along with the other overlookers. While I went onto the challenge.

To make it easier I beat all of the gym trainers with Nidoking so I wouldn't have to worry about them later. I started looking through the bins and I found a switch.

Auro:Lets go one more.

I went into another one and there was no switch. To my annoyance the electric gate I shut off turned on again. Luckily on my second attempt I cleared it and was met by the gym leader.

 Luckily on my second attempt I cleared it and was met by the gym leader

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