Misty's Struggle! (Character arc)

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(Misty POV)
I was extremely scared when we got split up. After all, Brock is the one that cooks for us, Auro takes care of the pokémon battling and I guess Ash is there for comic relief. The main point is what if I get attacked by bug type pokémon this is a forest afterall.

However, with great difficulty I sucked it up and continued walking through the forest.

Misty:Preferably, I can find an area of water. Afterall forests like these have those types of areas right.

Luckily, since I lived in a water city I can tell if there's water nearby due to the levels of humidity. After 20 minutes I finally found my kind of place.

Misty:Alright this is most definitely a place my water pokémon will enjoy

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Misty:Alright this is most definitely a place my water pokémon will enjoy.

I thought of doing training but I realised that I'm probably too useless to help in any battling. Its always Brock and Auro even Ash sometimes.

Misty:Oh well. Everyone come out.

I then released Starmie, Gyarados and Psyduck. We were about to relax until it was safe to go out of the forest. However, I saw a pokémon I wanted resting in the water.

 However, I saw a pokémon I wanted resting in the water

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Misty:Oh wow! A wild Horsea. Psyduck this will be great experience for you.

Psyduck:Psy, psy, psy.

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