Titan Of The Cave!

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We were walking to vermilion until I saw what seemed to be a shortcut. I walked towards it and pointed it out to the others.

Auro:Guys I see a shortcut through this cave.

Brock:Hmm. I don't mind the whole point about being a trainer is the adventure that comes with it.

Having mutual agreement we entered the cave to see what we might find.

I was walking around until my foot crashed against something that seemed to be a CD case. I rubbed dust off it and it read TM35 Flamethrower.

Auro:Guys I found the TM for flamethrower on the ground.

Brock:Thats nice it could come in handy.

Misty:Ash by any chance could you please use your charmander to light the way for us.

Ash:Sure. Go charmander I choose you.

With charmander being our flashlight we saw a set of stairs and walked down. We were suddenly in a flaming room with a pool of lava in the middle of it.

 We were suddenly in a flaming room with a pool of lava in the middle of it

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Auro:Guys we know what happened the last time we did one of these.

Ash:Right there must be a boss pokémon nearby.

Misty:I don't like this one the room is making me hot. Water type specialists don't to good in hot environments.

We walked forward dodged the occasional lava plumes. Then we reached the shrine.

 Then we reached the shrine

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