Gary's Turmoil! (Character Arc)

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(This is a request and is totally optional but so I can continue making chapters and future books it would help me a lot if you guys voted for the chapters so I can gain more publicity and if you guys also left some comments and followed)

(This is going to be the first arc dedicated to character development for this its obviously Gary)

Its been 2 days since my battle with Auro on the S.S. Anne. I'll never forget that day. The day where my Raticate died. Now I'm just wandering the routes in a vile storm.

Gary:I think I see a temple over there.

I headed towards it in order to find shelter

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I headed towards it in order to find shelter. When I entered I found out it was actually a place for pokémon training. Then I was approached by an elderly man making tea who seemed to be the owner of the temple.

 Then I was approached by an elderly man making tea who seemed to be the owner of the temple

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Temple owner:Who goes there.

Gary:My name is Gary and I needed to find shelter from the storm.

Temple owner:Young man I sense much sorrow in your heart. Allow me to help train you.

Gary:Listen here gramps I'm the best pokémon trainer you'll ever meet so treat me with respect.

Temple owner:Lets put that theory to the test. A simple 6v6 pokémon battle if I win you'll become my pupil for a week.

Gary:Alright gramps prepare for defeat.

Me and the Temple owner had a battle were he absolutely crushed me with his trained up pokémon. I was left ashamed.

Gary:I don't know how this could have possibly happened.

Temple owner:I told you there is a disturbance in your heart that won't let you unlock your true potential.

Gary:What disturbance I have everything I need riches, power and connections.

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