Haunter Vs Kadabra

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Bold-Pokémon battle related

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Narrator:Last time on Auro's Journey Ash and Auro revisited the illustrious Pokémon Tower. After having fun with the ghost pokémon found there Haunter couldn't bear to see them go and accompanied Ash. To prepare for the gym battle Ash is currently engaging Auro in a training match.

Auro:Good Ash. Haunter grew from lvl 22 to level 50 with some rare candies and Exp. Just in case we should also train Kabutops.

Ash:Alright. Kabutops I choose you.

Auro:Alright here I come

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Auro:Alright here I come.

Auro:Alright here I come

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Ash:Kaputops X-Scissor!

Kabutops then rushed at Auro in an X motion as he used protect to block the attack.

Auro:Close Combat.

Auro then rushed at Kabutops and bombarded him with attacks sending him backwards and immobilised.

Auro:Alright a couple more rounds and then we go back to the gym.

Location:Saffron City

Ash:We're here. I know we're going to beat Sabrina.

Auro:Remember keep your head down.

(Next Day)
Ash then started to remember the last battle he had with Sabrina. He then clenched his fist as he stared at the gym.

Ash:Let's go. Right Brock, Misty and Auro? Huh? Where's Brock and Misty? Also Pikachu.

Auro:Over there. *points at Brock, Misty and Pikachu*

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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