hurt/comfort - farewell, neverland || furina & navia

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❝ Neverland, my love, goodbye now,
And I'm free falling,
Sleep well, everyone,
'Til I be calling,

No matter where I go,
This is no home,
Even if I'm afraid, I'm going down,
Goodbye, Neverland, my love. ❞


In which the ex-goddess decided to live a mortal's life, finally free of all her endless suffering. Yet, she never expected to find a part of her in a certain blonde young woman.

-furina centred
-navia centred
-archon quest 4.1/4.2 spoilers
-can be read as a ship oneshot or as a platonic oneshot
-roommates furina de fontaine & navia di rosula?
-based on a furina bot i saw recently that made me cry and made my brainrot go wild
-may contain mature topics
-not completely linked to the universe of genshin impact: modern setting


Never had Furina intended to quit acting in her whole life. It was her passion, somewhat of a lifestyle. But she had quit anyway. Because the revelation of the prophecy, the part she had unconsciously played in it for the past five-hundred years was just too much to handle. She had been lost in a cycle; a never ending cycle that corrupted her from the inside and only brought the pain of losing her people to her.

Foçalors had been adamant on staying secluded and hidden away from the rest of the world, and she'd done it so well that even the Heavenly Principles had been duped into believing in Furina's deification.

Alas, Furina was merely a placeholder for Foçalors. The true archon had decided that she'd isolate herself from the people, her subjects. Furina was but a simple living being, a creation. Her creation. The little Oceanid, frail and tired, had suffered the idealisation of the Archon's wishes and desires alone.

For such, Foçalors' only explanation was that she herself had been unable to express her own feelings as a human would do. But what difference did it make for the deity? For that, there was Furina.

Furina. Who was she?

The answer was quite shockingly simple: She was but a small droplet of water in a vast ocean. Her presence was but momentary. After all, Foçalors could replace her with ease and form another little Oceanid deep within the depths of the ocean. Furina had longed to know why exactly she was the one chosen to carry this fate, this burden placed on her shoulders by Foçalors without any thought.

The physically-looking young lady had finally decided to quit her career of acting and it was for the greater good.

After centuries of remaining her own Nation's leading role, Furina de Fontaine had stepped down from her duties as the Hydro Archon. Unwillingly, she had been revealed to be a mere creation, the pawn of a deity.

Oh, how she could have sought vengeance. Of course, it could have been a fair solution. The thought of simply forcing her creator Foçalors through the same pain and suffering, the calamity she had endured. This mere thought was enough to make Furina's stomach churn and the bitter taste rise in her throat. But no. It was all too much, for little Furina de Fontaine. Five hundred years old... all she needed was a rest.

So Furina had decided to rent a small flat, despite the Iudex Neuvillette's offer of personal quarters in the Palais Mermonia, or a stay in the Opéra Epiclèse; the little Oceanid had chosen to live a simple life, remaining an ordinary citizen just like the other civilians of the Nation of Fontaine.

That day, she had tried to cook a sophisticated dish but with no avail. By the time she was done making the sauce, one side of the chunk of meat had already gone dark and crispy; perhaps overcooked. And when she'd realized that the meat was too cooked, Furina struggled to take the food out of the pan. It was because she had not put enough frying oil in the bottom of the pan, which caused the meat to stick along the surface, hard and dry.

Furina let out a sigh and a low curse while she gazed back at the pan, just as if she'd expected this outcome. She forced the meat out of the pan with a good fork scrap, and watched it plop down in the plate on the counter. Leaving it there to cool down, the little Oceanid decided to scratch the remaining darkened bits off the pan in the sink.

Wiping her hands on a nearby towel, Furina rummaged through her kitchen cupboards to get what she always ended up eating.

Cheap canned pasta. A mediocre meal for a mediocre person, she thought.

The little Oceanid took out a bowl from the shelf and set it aside on the table to open the can.

She was frustrated, almost about to give up. Her fragile house of cards had crumbled all too easily after the reveal of Foçalors' intentions. The whole revelation had crushed her frail heart oh-so suddenly. It was hard for her to keep on pushing even though she felt like she had no goal in her existence left whatsoever.

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