Part 7

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Tw: smoking actions, and abuse ❗❗

3rd POV:

It was a day away till the party was gonna begin, Dazai asked Mori if he could bring a friend and thankfully he agreed. He asked Chuuya to come and chuuya agreed to help to stop the marriage arregemet from happening. Dazai was nervous and scared what was gonna happen tho.

Chuuya found dazai at the park smoking.

"Oi Mackerel smoking without me are ya" -Chuuya said walking up to dazai.

They both laughed and sat down on a grass patch smoking together in silence it was a comfortable silence till Dazai broke it.

"Chuuya whats gonna happen tomorrow"

Chuuya looked up blowing smoke out and answering.
"I don't know but what ever happens im gonna be there even if it means kidnapping your ass." -Chuuya said and they both broke into laughter.

They both started into each others eyes not breaking the eye contact, both off them were thinking off the same thing.

"His eyes are so pretty"

~the party~

Chuuya had arrived to the party Verlaine dropped him off and would be back to pick up whenever Chuuya wanted, only Chuuya knows he be sleep on the couch watching Love island or something. Chuuya was dressed in a red suit and had a his hat on and a lil bit off eyeliner. He walked up to the door and opened it.

The party was big with alot off fancy rich douch people there. Chuuya looked around the ball room to try find Dazai but couldn't find him.

Chuuya has never been in Dazais house and it was big.

"CHIBI OVER HERE" -dazai yelling across the room .

He was dressed in a black suite with a blue tie, Chuuya thought he looked really handsome in it.

"Hey Dazai theres so much people here"

"Yeah theres aloy off people here kinda uncomfortable. Oh hey chuuya"

"Mhm Yeah?"

"You look really handsome tonight" -Dazai said smirking and while grabbing chuuyas gloved hand and bending over to kiss it till chuuya pulled away all flustered.

"Shut up weirdo or your gonna get punched"

"Okokok" -Dazai said holding his hands up.

"Ah Osamu your friend is here" -Mori said interrupting the two

"Yeah Mo- I mean Father this is Chuuya Nakahara hes my friend at school" -Dazai said.

"Nice to meet you Chuuya Im Mori Ogai. Make your self home at our mansion." -Mori said shaking chuuyas hand

"Yeah...Thanks.." -Chuuya did not like Mori at all.

"Osamu id much rather you call me daddy then father is that the best you could do?" -Mori said whispering to dazais ear in a cold tone.

"Id rather kill my self then call you that"

Mori gave a look and walked over to someone else to greet at the party.

After few minutes Mori made announcement to everyone in the room by tapping a fork on his glass.

"Attention everyone, Id like to say thank you everyone for coming to my sons and Mr. Gretterson Daughter Britney Engagement Party. Now will the two to be wedded come over please"

Dazai frozen in place he never met the girl before and and he was scared. He hesitatetly walked over to Mori and he saw a girl who was dressed in a white skirt with a big pink bow at the back off her dress.

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