Part 21

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Tw: Mentioning Blood, Smoking action.

3rd POV:

It was the day, the day where everything will change. Dazai and Chuuya were already at Ango discussing more about the plan to kill Mori. But of course nothing goes right.

"We might have a problem" -Ango said.

Dazai and Chuuya both looked up to look at Ango in confusion.

"Mori knows you want to kill him now there's going to be war"

"Shit" -Chuuya said rubbing his forehead.

Meanwhile Dazai was silent, he didn't say anything or want to say anything, he was thinking. Hes thinking got disturbed by the sound off his phone ringing. Dazai picked up his phone to answer it.


*Ah Osamu, its great to hear your voice, how have you been son*

"And who says you're allowed to call me son you wanted chuuya dead" -Dazai said while trying to keep calm. Ango and Chuuya both heard what was going on. Chuuya decided to sit closer to Dazai to keep him calm.

*Ah so you've heard about that well at least I'm not trying to murder you* -Mori said with a smirk.

Dazai took a deep breath and grabbed Chuuya's hand for comfort, Chuuya understood and started stroking his hand.

"Look Mori I think its bout time some one did this. I am going to kill you and take your place"

There was silence on thr phone for about a minute till Dazai heard Mori laughing.

*Very well then, i wish you good luck trying to get to me first. See on 23 Off September* -Mori said then hang up the phone.

"The 23rd off September we have" -Dazai said while smirking.

"Just like you predicted" -Chuuya said looking up at Dazai.

"Well then ill get some weapons then we gonna need a lot off gunfire" -Ango said.

"No need, i have someone who can get us guns, and hes already here" -Dazai said when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Ango looked at Dazai narrowing his eyes at him then walked to the door to answer it. When he answered it, it was Hirostu at the door.

"Oh Ango good to see you again." -Hirostu said walking inside.

"Great to see you too, please come in"

"Dazai i got your message, now when can i bash your head and make your suicide plans come early"

"Hah i knew you would help out Hirostu" -Dazai said laughing and shaking Hirostu's hand.

"Don't believe we probably met Nakahara Im Hirostu Ryuro, Im the one off the mafias men" -Hirostu said shaking Chuuyas hand.

"Nice to meet you I guess" -Chuuya said shaking Hirostu's hand.

"Yeah Chu Hirostu was also one off the people i worked with apart from Odasaku" -Dazai said.

Chuuya nodded and they all sat down at the table and started talking and discussing plans.

"Dazai i think you are mad, not that I don't believe you can kill Mori but i dont understand why you want too" -Hirostu said.

"Simple im stuck, hes been controlling for far to long and i hate it, it was actually Chuuyas idea to kill him" -Dazai said.

"Mhm Nakahara, do you know how to shoot a gun" -Hirostu said looking at Chuuya.

"Um no not really i prefer kicking and punching"

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