2 | Rain

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The bell resonated loudly, marking the end of the last class. Typically, this was my favorite time of the day as it meant heading home. However, today I had detention.

Thanks a lot, Mr. Johnson.

I snagged my detention slip and exited the classroom, glancing at the paper to confirm the room number: 105.

I headed to the designated room and entered. "Hand me your slip," the elderly lady instructed with a frown. Approaching her, I handed over the detention slip. She examined it closely before muttering, "Take a seat anywhere."

I chose an unoccupied desk at the back and settled in. Crossing my arms over the desk, I rested my head, frustrated at the thought of wasting an hour of my life in this room.

After a brief silence, the lady spoke again. "So, why exactly are you here?"

I raised my head and met her gaze. "I wasn't paying attention in class," I replied.

"That's it?" she asked, clearly in disbelief. I nodded quietly.

"These teachers have lost their minds," she remarked, grabbing a stack of papers and flipping through them.

"No kidding," I mumbled, glancing at the clock on the wall. Only five minutes had passed. This was shaping up to be the longest hour of my life.

Peering up from the papers, she gazed at me. "Well, instead of just sitting there doing nothing for an hour, you could maybe finish your homework," she suggested.

"I already finished it," I informed her. She emitted a quiet hum before refocusing on the papers in her hands.

Taking a chance, I spoke up again. "You could just let me go," I said hopefully. "I'm sure you'd rather be at home than stuck in a room with me."

She chuckled. "Nice try, young lady, but I can't do that. Now be quiet, I have papers to grade."

I sighed, rolling my eyes and sinking back into my seat. Redirecting my focus out the window, I observed the students pouring out of the school gates. They all seemed so happy as they talked and laughed with one another.

Must be nice.

I continued to gaze outside and spotted Zayn standing by his car, a cigarette casually dangling from his fingers. Next to him was a girl in a very small outfit, vying for his attention. I couldn't blame her, Zayn's undeniable attractiveness had an almost magnetic pull.

"I can't believe you landed us in detention again," a guy grumbled, entering with someone trailing close behind him.

Observing both of them approach the lady, I witnessed her release an annoyed breath while taking the slips. "Sit anywhere," she muttered, directing her irritation at the two guys.

I watched them stroll down the row of desks, passing by me. The chairs behind me scraped against the floor as they pulled them back and settled in.

Just as I was about to lower my head again, one of them tapped my shoulder. I reluctantly turned around to face them.

"Now, what's a pretty girl like you doing in detention?" one of the guys remarked.

Observing them closely, I noted their shared features – chocolate brown eyes and dark brown, curly hair. One had tattoos adorning his arms, while the other sported an eyebrow piercing.

Their familiar faces clicked in my memory. I had see them hanging out with Zayn a few times.

"Stop staring so hard, you're scaring her," the one with the piercing remarked.

"I'm not scaring her," the tattooed guy replied, a hint of annoyance in his tone. "Am I scaring you?"

I shook my head, replying a bit too quietly, "No."

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