9 | Billy's Burgers

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I thanked the waiter as he placed the food down on our table and left. The smell of the burgers hit my nose, making me realize just how hungry I actually was.

"This looks so good," I told Ryder.

"It tastes even better." He grabbed his burger and took a big bite. Deciding to do the same, I eagerly took hold of mine, sinking my teeth into it.

He was absolutely right, this was the best burger I had ever tasted.

"So? What do you think?" He asked.

"Fine, I'll admit it. This burger is delicious," I told him.

He responded with a satisfied smile. "I told you."

After a few more bites, I set the burger down and reached for my vanilla milkshake, savoring a refreshing sip. I watched as Ryder ate his entire burger and fries, before drinking his own chocolate milkshake.

The food was amazing, but I was completely stuffed. Another bite, and I might just burst.

Leaning back in the chair, I glanced at Ryder. "Thank you," I expressed with a small smile.

"Don't thank me, I didn't do anything," he retorted.

"Well, you bought me food," I pointed out.

"I'll buy you burgers for days, and you still wouldn't need to thank me," he said genuinely.
"Besides, I only wanted you to come so I wouldn't have to eat alone," he joked.

"Wow, how generous of you," I replied sarcastically.

"Alright, I think I'm ready to go," he said as he stood up. I grabbed my milkshake, and we headed towards his car parked behind the burger shop.

The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow, but the air was getting chilly. We continued walking until his car came into view.

Suddenly, the loud sound of gunshots being fired made me freeze in my spot. I turned to look at Ryder, who quickly pulled me behind him, causing me to drop the milkshake in my hand.

The echoes of gunfire lingered in the air, and my mind struggled to comprehend what was happening. "Take my keys and run to the car," Ryder urged, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger.

"What...what's happening?" My voice came out shaky.

"Now's really not the time for questions." He grabbed my hand, placing the keys in my palm. "Go, now!" he shouted.

I ran to his car, unlocking the doors and sitting in the driver's seat without realizing. Looking up, I saw Ryder lift his shirt, retrieving the gun hidden in his back.

"What the fu–"

I didn't finish my sentence when I saw a guy walking towards him, his gun aiming straight at Ryder. My heart was beating so fast I thought it might just jump out of my chest.

Ryder turned back to look at me before focusing on the guy once again. I couldn't tell who it was, as they were covered from head to toe in all black. The only thing that showed was their eyes, the rest of their face was hidden by a ski mask.

They were now standing in front of each other, just an arm's length away. Both of them pointing their guns at each other's heads.

Although I couldn't hear what they were saying, I could tell the guy was getting more frustrated as Ryder continued to talk to him.

After a few more tense seconds, the guy reluctantly put his gun down and started walking away. My attention was so fixed on him that I didn't realize Ryder was now walking towards his car.

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