15 | Kiss

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The party was still in full swing when I grabbed the bottle of alcohol. "Change of plans," I shouted at Chloe. "We're taking shots."

She shot me a surprised look but didn't protest, immediately fetching two cups. I poured the liquid into each cup, lifted mine, and downed it in one swift motion, grimacing at the taste.

I poured another round and knocked it back. "Someone's on a mission," Chloe remarked as she followed suit.

"Another round?" I yelled over the blaring music.

She shook her head, "I'm not one to turn down alcohol, but one of us needs to drive home. And it looks like it's going to be me."

I chuckled drunkenly. "You're so smart, Chloe." Pouring myself another shot, I admitted, "I definitely can't drive." With a deep breath, I downed the drink.

If I thought the world was spinning before, I was sorely mistaken. I found myself in a completely different headspace.

Chloe grabbed the bottle and moved it out of my reach. "I think you've had enough," she laughed, though her concern was evident in her eyes.

"Just one more," I pleaded, my bottom lip jutting out in a pout. "Pretty please?"

She shook her head firmly. "I'm not risking you getting sick in my car."

"Wh...what happened to having a fun night?" I managed to slur out.

"I think it's time we head home," she said, gently taking my hand and leading us out of the house.

The cool night air felt refreshing against my flushed skin. As we made our way to her car, she shot me a concerned glance. "What happened back there?"

"Huh?" I mumbled, too preoccupied with trying to navigate in these heels without tripping.

She ushered me into the car and made sure I was settled in before getting behind the wheel. "If you feel sick, just say the word, and I'll pull over," she assured me.

"I'm... f...fine," I slurred, my words barely coherent.

Turning my head slowly to the left, I gazed at Chloe. "I'm glad we're friends," I confessed. "I actually had a good time."

Chloe chuckled at my intoxicated state. "You're not going to be having a good time when you wake up tomorrow morning."

"I'll deal with that tomorrow," I replied, looking out the window.

"Do you think your parents will be mad at you for getting drunk?" she asked. "You could stay at my place tonight if you want."

A bitter laugh escaped me. "My parents? They couldn't care less about what I do. They don't even bother answering my calls."

She glanced my way, a hint of sadness shadowing her eyes. I sensed her sympathy, but I wasn't in the mood for it. "Nope, don't give me that look."

"What look?" she asked, refocusing on the road.

"The look everyone gives me. The pitying one," I explained.

"I didn't mean to make you feel that way," she replied quietly.

"It's fine," I said, even though it wasn't.

"I could stay over if you want, so you won't be alone at home," she offered.

I shook my head. "I appreciate the offer, but there's no need for you to stay over. I'll manage, really."

She finally pulled up to my house and stopped the car. With a hesitant glance, she turned to me. "Well, I'm only a phone call away if you need me to come over," she said softly, offering a reassuring smile.

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