3 | Clothes

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After a few more minutes of driving, we arrived at a house twice the size of mine. It was evident he had a lot of money. Pulling up to the front, he parked the car. "Get out," he grumbled.

Rolling my eyes, I complied and stepped out of the car. I observed as he did the same, and together, we walked towards the grand front door. With a swift motion, he opened it, and we both entered.

His house was nothing short of breathtaking, adorned with extravagant chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, pristine white marble floors, and sleek dark gray walls. Every inch of the space exuded a modern aesthetic.

As he started ascending the stairs, he suddenly halted, fixing his gaze on me. "Do I need to grab your hand again, or are you going to walk on your own this time?" he inquired.

Furrowing my brows, I retorted, "I didn't know if you wanted me to follow you or not."

"Follow me," he directed, as he continued his ascent. Once we were at the top of the stairs, we proceeded down the hall and into a room.

Similar to the rest of the house, it embraced darkness but maintained an undeniable elegance. I assumed it was his room.

My eyes landed on his bed, adorned with black silk bedsheets and pillows. All I wanted was to take off my wet clothes and crawl inside the bed to sleep.

My eyes shifted to Zayn as he discarded his hoodie into the laundry basket. I had to restrain a gasp when his fully tattooed body came into view. Every inch of his well-sculpted body was adorned with intricate black ink.

"Like what you see?" he teased.

My face flushed at his words, prompting a chuckle from him. "I'm just messing with you," he reassured, grabbing a black t-shirt and casually throwing it on.

He walked to his drawer, retrieving a fresh pair of black sweatpants and a hoodie. Now standing in front of me, he gestured toward the clothes. "You can change in the bathroom," he offered.

My eyes focused on the clothes in his hands. "Change?" I questioned.

"Yes, change. Unless you want to stay in those wet clothes for another few hours," he remarked.

I quickly looked up at him, tilting my head back due to our significant height difference. "I don't want to stay here for a few hours," I expressed, feeling my frustration mount. It had been a long day, and all I wanted was to go home.

"Well, you have no other choice. So you can either change, or you could stay in your clothes," he stated, staring down at me.

"Or you can just take me home," I suggested, crossing my arms.

"I already told you I can't right now," I sensed his growing annoyance. He headed toward his bed, setting the clothes down. "Change your clothes," he instructed firmly.

His phone rang, diverting his attention. "I'll be downstairs, you can come whenever you're ready." Without waiting for my response, he exited the room.

I stared at the now empty doorway, which he had passed through just seconds ago. "This can't be happening right now," I muttered to myself.

If he believed I was going to spend a few hours at his house, he was out of his mind. I wanted to go home immediately, and he was going to take me home, whether he had the time or not.

Angry, I stormed out of his room and descended the stairs. Trailing the sounds of laughter, I headed toward what appeared to be the living room.

"Look it's our new friend," Ryder said cheerfully as I stood a few steps away from him. He sat beside Axton, whose eyes were glued to his phone. He briefly looked at me, offering a smile before returning his attention to the screen.

Ryder patted the empty spot next to him. "Come sit."

I disregarded his offer. "Where's Zayn?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"He should be around somewhere, maybe the kitchen?" Ryder suggested.

"Well, where's the kitchen?" I inquired, my patience wearing thin. "Actually, never mind. Can one of you take me home?"

"No, they can't," Zayn interrupted, his steps deliberate as he walked past me, and he casually sank into one of the plush armchairs.

I directed my attention toward him. "You can't just keep me here."

His eyes traced down my body. "I thought I told you to change?"

"I don't care what you told me," I argued back. "I'm not going to do it."

Zayn shot Ryder and Axton a menacing glare, prompting both of them to hastily exit the room. He leisurely rose from his seat, stalking toward me. With every deliberate step he took, I instinctively retreated until my back met the cold wall.

He pressed both hands against the wall behind me, enclosing me. "I don't like it when people don't listen to me," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. The room seemed to shrink as his intense gaze bore into mine. "Now either you change on your own, or I'll do it myself."

I shot him a glare. "Have you lost your freaking mind?"

He responded with a humorless chuckle. "I never had it in the first place. Now, go." He withdrew his hands from the wall, taking a step back to grant me space.

I released an irritated sigh before retracing my steps to his room. Grabbing the fresh clothes, I proceeded toward the bathroom connected to his room. Closing the door behind me, I began shedding my wet clothes.

Examining myself in the mirror, I took in the sight once I was left in only my underwear and bra. My gaze traced the delicate tattoos scattered around my body, each one a decision made without a second thought. Additionally, a subtle belly button piercing adorned my stomach.

Despite their spontaneity, I couldn't help but love every inked and pierced detail.

Swiftly, I tossed on Zayn's oversized sweatpants and hoodie, the clothes engulfing me as they were clearly not my size. Determined, I rolled down the waistband of the sweatpants, tying it securely, and silently prayed it wouldn't betray me.

Now, that would be embarrassing.

However, I couldn't deny that I was relieved not to be stuck in my wet clothes clinging to my skin. Of course, I wasn't about to admit that to him

I gathered my clothes, neatly folding them before placing them on the counter next to the sink. I made a mental note to grab them before heading home.

Exiting the bathroom, I spotted Zayn seated on his bed. "Happy?" I quipped sarcastically.

"Good girl, you finally listened," he responded with a cold tone, his gaze shifting to the clothes he had lent me.

He stood up and approached me. "I have a few people downstairs waiting for me. Once I'm done talking to them, I'll take you home," he explained.
I nodded in understanding.

"Just stay in my room, I'll come get you when they leave."

"Who are the people you need to talk to?" I asked curiously.

"Just some business partners of my dad's," he said vaguely.

Deciding not to press further, I gave him another nod. "Just make it quick," I muttered. He glanced at me once more before leaving his room and closing the door.

I looked at the bed, its allure undeniable. Walking towards it, I lay down and closed my eyes.

Never in my entire lifetime did I think this would happen to me. And before I knew it, sleep had taken over.

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