28 | Complicated

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My phone rang, and I answered without checking the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Finally, you picked up," Chloe huffed through the phone. "Where have you been?"

"Zayn came over last night, and I got...distracted," I said, a smile creeping onto my face as memories from the night before flooded my mind.

"Distracted, huh?" she teased. "While you were busy getting distracted, did you manage to ask about Noah?"

My smile faded instantly. "I did, but he didn't give me a clear answer. He just said I'd figure it out on my own, whatever that means," I muttered.

"Why are guys so confusing?" Chloe complained. "And then they get upset when we don't give straightforward answers."

"I know, right?" I had a nagging feeling Noah was being honest, but I wasn't ready to accept it. However, if it wasn't true, why wouldn't Zayn just say so?

"Got any plans for tonight?" she asked, shifting the topic.

"No, not really. I'll probably just stay in," I said, settling onto my couch and draping a blanket over myself. "I could use a day to just relax."

There was a brief pause. "Chloe?"

"Sorry, it's just...I found out this morning that Kai was murdered." I could hardly believe it. Kai was dead?

"Are you serious? How? Why? Who did it?" Even though I didn't care about him personally, the news still shocked me.

"The cops found his body in his backyard," she explained. "Apparently, his fingers were cut off, and his tongue was cut out, but I'm not sure how true that is."

"That sounds brutal," I uttered. I couldn't even imagine the pain he must have gone through.

"I'd be more upset, but honestly, he was a complete asshole and a creep," she continued.

A small laugh escaped me. "Yeah, he was. How did you find out?"

"Some people I know were talking about it. I have no idea how they got the info since it hasn't hit the news or anything."

"I don't know what to say," I admitted. "But it seems like whoever killed him must have really hated him."

"His funeral is tomorrow. If you want, we can go together," she offered. "Maybe we can find out what really happened."

"I can't. There's the business party at Zayn's place," I remembered, feeling a pang of anxiety. The thought of going to Zayn's house after he clearly said I can't be there made me nervous.

"Oh, right," Chloe said with a happier tone. "If you need help getting ready, just let me know."

"That would be great. Can you come over around 6?" I asked.

"Definitely," she agreed. "Are you excited?"

"Not really. I'm starting to think this might be a bad idea," I confessed.

"Don't even think that," Chloe said firmly. "Imagine the look on his face when he sees you in that dress."

It was a stunning, seductive dress—far too beautiful to stay hanging in my closet.

"Yeah, you're right."

"Of course I am," she said confidently. "I've got to go now, my mom needs my help with something. I'll see you tomorrow." We exchanged our goodbyes and ended the call.

I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until I landed on the news. I had hoped they'd mention Kai's murder, but the story wasn't covered.

I was still reeling from the news. First Mrs. Emery, now Kai—was there a killer targeting Oak Hill High? Who was going to be next?

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