4 | Animal

871 7 0

Zayn's POV

I leaned back into my chair, observing a group of grown men bickering with each other like children. If only I could put a bullet through each of their heads, now that would bring me immense satisfaction.

Despite being younger than them, I knew I was smarter. These men lacked the understanding of how to efficiently manage a business, especially one involving drugs and guns.

My father had taught me the intricacies of running the family business from a very young age, and when he unexpectedly passed away, the responsibility fell squarely on my shoulders.

The operation is straightforward — we supply a variety of drugs and weapons, no questions asked about the buyers' intentions or identities. What our clients choose to do with their purchases is none of my concern. As long as the payment is complete, we encounter no issues.

I aim to hold these meetings once or twice a month to gauge the state of the business, and fortunately, things have been running seamlessly.

Glancing at my phone, I noted the time – 8:30 p.m. The meeting had stretched nearly three hours, and if I had to listen to their voices any longer, I'd undoubtedly lose my mind.

And honestly, I couldn't focus any longer. My thoughts kept drifting to a particular girl currently in my room.

Standing up, I captured everyone's attention. "It's getting late and I have other things to take care of. You've got 2 minutes to leave my house."

They swiftly rose from their chairs, filing out through the front door. After ensuring everyone was gone, I locked up and headed to my room.

Upon entering the dark room, I switched on a lamp, revealing Aurora peacefully asleep in my bed.

Approaching the bed, I sat on the edge. I recognized her from before today. I had seen her around school during the few times I bothered to go. And when I saw her walking in the rain today, I knew it was my chance to finally talk to her.

She's always intrigued me. How can someone so beautiful be so isolated all the time? I can't remember seeing her engage with anyone from our school.

Gently shaking her shoulder, I attempted to wake her. She slowly opened her eyes before closing them again. "Go away," she muttered.

I persisted, shaking her once more. "Wake up, it's time to go home."

Still, no response.

"Aurora," I called again, but she continued to ignore me. After waiting a few seconds in hopeful silence, it was clear she wasn't waking up. "Well, I tried."

I moved to the other side of the bed, kicked off my shoes, and removed my t-shirt. Lying down on top of the covers, I turned my head to face Aurora. Her chest rose and fell with each breath. She looked so calm and peaceful, the complete opposite of what she was this afternoon.

I already knew she was going to wreck havoc in the morning because I didn't take her home, but I didn't give a fuck. I tried to wake her up and she didn't want to.

With that being said, I shut my eyes and quickly fell asleep. However, getting enough sleep was not on my schedule.




"Who fuck is calling me?" I grunted lowly, searching for my phone. Once I had it in my hand, I realized it wasn't my phone that was ringing.

I sat up, noticing Aurora still asleep despite the loud noise. I grabbed my pillow and hit her body with it.

She swiftly opened her eyes, scanning the room until they landed on me. After a few seconds, she sat up and glared. "What's wrong with you?" she snapped.

"Turn your damn phone off, it's been ringing for the past 10 minutes." The harsh sound echoed through the room, mixing with the dim morning light.

She grabbed her phone from the bedside drawer, her movements reflecting the annoyance on her face. "You didn't have to hit me with the freaking pillow." Her eyes squinted against the sudden light as she looked at the screen

"Trust me, it was the only way you were going to wake up." I lay back down, the pillow still in my arm.

She finally turned her phone off, dismissing the persistent call. A brief silence settled in until she shifted her body, fixing her gaze on mine.

"Why am I still here?" she asked, a hint of confusion in her eyes. "It's 6 in the morning, you were supposed to take me home last night."

"I tried to wake you up to take you home, but you told me to go away," I explained.

She narrowed her eyes at me, ready to retort, when her phone started ringing again.

Annoyed by the loud ringing, I quickly grabbed her phone and answered it. "Stop fucking calling," I spat to the other person on the line before hanging up abruptly.

She stared at me with wide eyes, her jaw slightly dropped. In a quick motion, she snatched her phone back. "Are you insane? That could've been my parents calling."

"Then maybe you should've fucking picked up their call," I grumbled.

She got off my bed and began putting on her shoes. "Get up, I need to go home," she said as she continued to stare at me.

I ran my hands down my face. "Can't you just wait for another few hours? I'm still half asleep."

"Zayn, I swear if you don't take me home right now, I'm going to—"

I looked at her, amused. "You're going to what?" I interrupted. "Hurt me? Walk home? Let's hear it."

Her jaw clenched, shooting me another glare. "I have to be at school in two hours. I need to go home so I can shower and get ready."

"Just shower here," I muttered, rolling onto my stomach and closing my eyes. It was quiet for a few seconds until I heard the sound of her footsteps getting closer to my side of the bed.

And that's when I felt it—her teeth sinking into my arm. "Are you a fucking animal?" I growled as I sat up and pulled my arm away.

"Take me home," she snapped. I watched her storm out of my room and disappear. Running my fingers over my arm, I felt the indents of her teeth left on my skin.

I let out a frustrated breath, got off my bed, and threw on my shoes and a sweatshirt. Grabbing my car keys, I left my room and walked downstairs to find her waiting for me by the door.

I sent her a glare as I walked past her and opened the front door, both of us stepping out. We made our way to my car, where I opened the passenger's door and waited for her to sit inside. Taking my own seat on the driver's side, I started the car and began driving towards her house.

"I live on –"

"I know where your house is," I cut her off before she could finish.

She slowly turned her head towards me, her brows furrowed. "You're stalking me now?"

"No, I'm not stalking you. Don't get too happy," I joked. "I've seen you walk home a few times from school."

She nodded quietly. "Right," she said with a hint of skepticism.

The rest of the car ride was quiet. Once I reached her house, I parked the car and looked at her. "Are your parents home?" I asked, observing the empty driveway.

An emotion quickly appeared on her face before disappearing. "No, they're at work," she said quietly. I could sense a hint of sadness in her tone.

"They go to work at 6:30 in the morning?" I questioned.

She stayed quiet for a few minutes. "Yup, that's what happens when both your parents are lawyers."

No sane person would willingly go to work at this early.

"Anyways, thank you for the ride. I'll...I'll see you around," she said as she opened the car door and stepped out.

"See you around, Aurora," I repeated. I watched her walk up to her house and step inside, before I drove off.

I guess I might just have a reason to start going to school now.

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