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Anastasia: You told me to call you. Whats up?
Jaxton: I need you to know that on our date Sunday night,when you seen my scar...i need you to know that there are more than just one. Im messed up in more ways than you can count. And if i was you i would run. Just run!
...the dial tone came over the phone. My heart sank. Emotions that i didnt know i had surfaced and all i could think to do was run.

I jumped out of my bedroom window and just ran. Before i knew it i had ran three blocks only to notice my tears had wet my cheeks. As i stopped running and looked up towards the sky all i could think about was Jaxton. It didnt scare me nor faze me that he had scars on his body. I saw him as a person,a person with feelings,thoughts and emotions.

As i looked up towards the sky looking for the answers of the questions i hadnt even asked yet i had unnerving feeling i wasnt alone. I turned around to see him...

My dark night standing there clad in black,barely visible in the night. But all too noticable to me. Not wanting to say anything,i stood there in the middle of the street looking at him. It was like we was having our own conversation but without words.

For the brief moment that we shared, the moment of no words, no touching. I felt at piece with myself and the situation. I was his saving grace and he was my dark night. Combined we was unstoppable.

He slowly walked towards me. Before i knew it we was nose to nose. I could feel his breath on my skin. Smell his colonge. I slowly looked up into those gorgeous dark eyes,not saying a word,grabbed his arm and pulled up his sleeve. Even though there was no light for me to see the scar i knew i didnt have to. I traced it with my finger until i noticed he had relaxed and without hestition i slowly kissed his scar.

He pulled back instantly only to gather my face in his hands and lean down to place his lips against mine. And at that moment i knew he was mine and we would never be apart.

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