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I got Jaxton up off the floor and sitting on the couch. My next objective was to move Mr. Dealer to the couch as well.

About an hour later and several mini breaks to stop and catch my breath i finally moved Mr. Dealer to the other couch. He woke up as soon as i leaned him up against the edge of the couch.

Mr. Dealer: You shot me!

Anastai: No shit. You deserved it. Your gonna answer my questions and if you dont ill just keep shooting random parts of your body till i run out of bullets.

Mr. Dealer: I knew you would be good at this.

Anastai: Shut up! I want to know why you set us up. And dont play stupid either. You was working with Sabrina and Nick. You set us up. You was working with them.

Mr. Dealer: Your too smart. Unlike your mother. I set you guys up because well, Jaxton was getting ready to leave the organization. I NEED him. The entire organization would fall apart without him.

Anastai: How much money does my mom owe you?

Mr. Dealer: Around 1.5 million.

I was at a loss for words. 1.5 million! That means i would have been a hostage for many years.

Anastai: You knew my mom couldnt pay that. Thats why you wanted Jaxton to kidnap me. So i could work for you and earn back the money my mom owed you. Why would the organization fall apart without Jaxton?

Mr. Dealer: He started when he was 15. Just old enough. His mom had retired and i needed a fresh seller. There he was. He was good at it to. In less than six months he had worked up to be a dealer. I was proud and frightened. Because i knew once he got tired of the business he would leave and then many more people would follow.

Anastai: Its about the money. Its always been about the money you insinistive prick!

Thats when all i saw was black. I heard a gunshot but didnt see anything. It wasnt until i opened my eyes and saw that i had shot the gun. i had shot him just above the heart. He was still alive. But at this moment he was badly wounded and with no way of getting help since i had shot both his knee caps.

We left the dealers house that night kept driving till we had left state. We was now in Georgia. We pulled into a motel both of us mentally and physically exhausted. But my work wasnt finished yet. I now had to take the bullet out of Jaxton.

The bullet came out easily and i cauterized the wound. He fell a sleep on the bed and i layed there next to him looking at my dark night sleep. I however could not sleep. I had shot a man and then pretty much fled state. This goodie good girl had turned bad in an instant. But i didnt care as long as i was with him.

The morning light filteted through the worn out curtains in the room. Illuminating the dust. I sat up thinking to myself that a nice hot shower was on the agenda and no one was gonna change it.

I got out if the shower just noticing that Jaxton was gone. A note left in his wake.

My dear sweet Anna words can not describe how i feel about you. You have showed me more love than anyone i know of. And for that im thankful. There is $500 in the top dresser drawer. There is a car for you my love in the parking lot. Keys are in the visor. Meet me in downtown Georgia at midnight. Oh and i reloaded your gun. You have good aim. Bring it with you. Love you

I sat on the edge of the bed. When was the running going to stop? Not to mention i had yet to start my damn period. What else could go wrong! And if i was how could i tell jaxton

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