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We went back to the bridge to get brittany's body. Jaxton shut down completley. No words was said between us all he did was hand me the shovel and pointed to a spot under a tree.

We carried her body to the tree and started digging the whole. As we undjusted our light we noticed there was a note taped to her body. Jaxton grabs the note and stuffs it in his pocket. We placed her body in her grave and started the process of burying her. We stood there in silence before we left.

As we got in the car and headed back to the motel both smelling like earth and sweat. I was so lost in my own thoughts that i hadnt even heard Jaxton crying in the drivers seat. We pulled up in the motel parking lot and both of us looked at each other. Both of us connecting on a deeper level than before.

We sat there in our room on the floor looking at the suitcase that Brittany had got for us. He opened the suitcase and started laying out pictures, tax information, addresses you name it it was in the suitcase. I thought to myself, this girl really knew what she was doing in order to get this much information on the people that was involved in the organization.

Jaxton: We met in the organization a few years back...she was silent and somehow oddly enough i felt compelled to tell her everything. She opened up her soul to me. Telling me things she had never told anyone before. No matter what i needed she was there.

Anastai: She sounded like a really cool person.

Jaxton: She was. Although when someone crossed her she was different. She could hold her own. She was my go to girl in all of my drops. She...she murdered someone without a second thought all because they looked at me wrong.

We sat there talking for hours about the drops they went to. The things she did without question for her family and her friends. A part of me actually started to weep for her. And then thats when i knew. That was the moment to tell Jaxton.

I got up and started to pace the floor. He automatically looked up, knowing now that when i was stressed or panicked or just had a lot to say i paced.

Jaxton: Whats wrong Anna baby?

Anastai: I think i might be pregnant...the words trailed off of my tongue like fire, and they had just burned the ears of my dark night. He stood there like a statue. Then a smile came across his face and he walked over to me and hugged me. I was shocked he was taking it so well. All i knew what to do was let him hold me.

We sank to the floor holding each other like our life depended on it whem a knock sounded at the door. We looked at each other and Jaxton got up and answered the door.

There stood a tall lanky boy about 15. He was the one who met up with Brittany the night she was murdered. He let himself in, came and sat down on the bed.

Lanky Boy: She was my cousin! She was my family! I saw her get murdered and i know who did it. It was your mom.

He looked at me. AT ME! My mom had followed us. I had a feeling she was in on this. The entire thing. But i was too lost for words.

Anastai: Lets get this bitch! Im tired of running, im tired of hiding. Lets take this organization down!!!

I walked out of the room leaving lanky boy and my dark night to follow me. Because i had a feeling i knew where she would be.

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