Badass Gothic Girl

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I sat there clutching the damn lamp like it was a bat. There he was walking towards me with this grin on his face. The evil bastard! Jaxton had been working for him since he was 15! My dark night basically had payed for his house and everything in it without a second thought.

I stood up as best as i could ready to do whatever it took to survive. I wasnt only fighting for myself but for the love of my life as well. I wasnt going to let this bastard take away the only thing i cared about. It would be a cold day in hell before that would happen.

He was face to face with me and before i knew what happened i hit him over the head with his precious lamp. Which bought me enough time to hobble over to him and grab the gun. I had never shot anyone before in my life but at that moment i knew i had to.

I shot him in both of his knee caps so he couldnt move. I still needed him alive because i had questions and i knew he had answers.

I hobbled over to my dark night and sank down next to him. I reached out to touch him. He still felt warm. I shook him over and over till i heard a gasp and then he opened his eyes. Those gorgeous eyes. I started to cry. I kissed him over and over again till he stopped me.

Jaxton: Anna?

Anastai: Im here. I need to know where you was shot at. Please let me look.

He didnt protest. I lifted his shirt and saw the most disgusting thing of my life. A whole in his side. Not a big one but just enough to make him lose blood. I looked at my dark night. He looked fine. Not pale. Still breathing. So it must not have went through.

Anastai: We need to leave. But before we do i need answers.

Jaxton: Answers to what?

Anastai: My questions. And Mr. Dealer has the answers.

Jaxton: Where is he?

Anastai: Laying by the hall way passed out and shot in both knee caps.

Jaxton: How did you manage to shoot him?

Anastai: I hit him in the head with a lamp and when he fell to the ground i picked up his gun.

Jaxton: My bad ass gothic girl.

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