Creepy House

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He came back the next morning. Looking well...dishveled. He still smelled like rotten eggs and body odor. He didnt look at me didnt even call me by my nickname. Just walked into the bathroom and took a shower.
He came up rapped in a towel and sat on the bed next to me. He looked at me and pulled me into his arms.

Jaxton: Anna we have to leave the motel today before noon. So we need to dye your hair now while we have time. I wont make you cut your hair just dye it. But you have to wear the cloths i bought you.

Anastai: Sounds like a fair deal. Whats our next move?

Jaxton: That i dont know, but im sure ill figure it out soon.

After we packed up everything and the dye had set in i looked at the finished result. It didnt look as bad as i thought it would. It actually made my eyes pop. With the cloths he had bought me i looked like a completely different person. When i walked out of the bathroom he instantly stopped what he was doing and pulled me in for a kiss.

Jaxton: My gothic princess

Anastai: My dark night

Jaxton: we have to make a pit stop before we leave. And when we arrive stay in the car and wait for me to come get you. Understand?

Anastai: yes.

We pulled up in front of what looked like a torn down house. The only thing that showed that it wasnt condemed was the lights on in the house. Why was there lights on in the house? Its day time. Jaxton came to my side of the car and opened the door telling me to not look ANYONE in the eyes unless spoken to.

We walked in the house and the familiar rotten egg smell i smelled on him earlier hit my senses. It was stronger since it was in a contained room. The air stale. The floor litered with plates, half eaten food, emphty soda bottles and beer bottles.

We found a half way clean spot to sit on the couch making me appreciate the motel rooms we had been staying in. Before i knew what i had done i looked up and into the eyes of the owner of the house. I instantly knew what i did because the guy pulled out a gun and aimed it at me.

Unknown: Who the fuck is she?

Jaxton: shes my girl. Put the gun down.

Unknown: fuck that! This bitch is in my house.

Before i knew it jaxton got up and popped the guy in the face. He hit the floor and was knocked out cold. Lucklily the gun didnt go off. Without any hestitaion jaxton sat down next to me and kissed me on the forehead.

Jaxton: This is MY girl. You have a problem with it you come to me. So can we talk business now?

He looked at the girl sitting in the chair beside the couch. She stared back obivously shocked at what had just occured.

Jaxton: well?...

Girl: so sorry death keeper.

She dissapered into another room and came back with two suitcases. They looked heavy because she was dragging them behind her. It didnt help she was the size of a poll. Still didnt help that it looked like she hadnt taken a shower in weeks.

Jaxton: thankyou. Is it all there?

Girl: yes death keeper.

Jaxton: when is the next drop occuring?

Girl: tomorrow in torento.

Jaxton: ill be there. What time?

Girl: midnight.

We left after that. Not knowing what to say i sat there in the car as we drove from that creepy house. Jaxton grabbed my hand and kissed it. I smiled to myself.


We pulled into another motel. Got our room key and headed to our next home for the week. Jaxton layed on the bed with the tv turned on. I sat there wondering what was in the suitcases. Unfornetly curiosity got the better of me and i walked out to the car and popped the trunk. Sitting there was the two suitcases bean pole had had trouble with. I clipped open the first one then the second to find cash. Cold hard cash. In stacks. So much cash that it was stacked one on top of another and crammed into any nook and cranny you could find.

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