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Monday night rolled around and at exactly at midnight we left our motel room. Both of us clad in black got into the car and made our way to his dealers house. I was still mind boggled though, if he killed people for money why was there a dealer and sellers?

My heart sped up as we pulled into a driveway out of town. So out of town you could almost consider it in the middle of nowhere. Again i was told to stay in the car and until he came and got me. Except this time i could make eye contact. Just couldnt speak unless spoken to.

As i sat in the car my mind began to run wild with things. Before i knew it i was into a complete panick mode. My breathing was shallow and i was shaking uncontablly. When he came to the car to come get me he literally had to make me stand and breath. Why couldnt he just allow me to die in piece? Jerk!

Jaxton: Anna, baby, I need you to breath. In...and out. In...and out. This isnt as bad as you may think. (He chuckled)

Anastai: (Nervous laughter) Are you sure? Because im not killing anybody. I wont play in anyones blood to join. I wont even kill a chicken to join.

He laughed at me. Laughed at me! How could he? I was brought to this strange house to meet his dealer. All because i was stupid and looked in the suitcases and his stepmom told me things. Why couldnt i just lead a normal life?

As we entered the house i was surprised to find that everything had its own place. The floors were clean, there wasnt a rotten egg smell anywhere to be found. I was astonished actually. This guy must have o.c.d or something.

We entered a giant frontroom that had two sectionals and the most masive flat screen tv i had ever seen. My mouth must have came open because Jaxton elbowed me in the side returning me to reality. As we sat on the couch opposite of the other i noticed an older gentlemen come in wearing a tux.

Dealer: You must be Anastai. Such a pretty name. I do need to know your relationship with my seller here. Oh and my dear, anything we discuss in my house must not be discussed with anyone except for Death Keeper. Do you understand?

Anastai: Yes sir. Death keeper is my boyfriend.

Dealer: Aw i see well congratulations. Not many girls/women can handle him. Not even your mother could.

At that statement i went numb. All my sences went on high alert.

Anastai: What did you just say? How would my mom know Jaxton? And how in the hell do you know her?

Dealer: Anna, may i call you that? You might want to sit back down. This is gonna take awhile. Your mom and Jaxton had a short affair before you was born. She met Jaxton right after she had you when she was 16. I met her a little after. Im guessing Jaxton hasnt told you his age?

All i could do was shake my head no. Because at that moment i had lost the ability to speak. My dark night had been with my mom! Yuck!!!

Dealer: Jaxton is 25. When i say affair i mean they did business together. I guess i should have been more precise on that. So sorry for the confusion. Your mom was his seller. She would go out and collect bountys on the most horrific people and bring them to Jaxton here to kill.

Anastai: Well that makes me feel a little better. Although im lost. What is a seller and a dealer?

Dealer: Sellers are the people who go out and collect information on the most horrific people. In order to get this information you need to pay a price. A dealer is someone who has his own sellers. He then takes his sellers and gives them other sellera information. Basically my dear. A dealer makes his sellers do all his dirty work. I mean i wouldnt want the blood on my hands.

At that my mind shut down. And i knew i wouldnt be able to shut up. God help me because i knew i was gonna need it.

Anastai: So your telling me that if Jaxton was to get caught he would do the time and you would just find someone to take his place till he got back! You pig headed, arrogant son of a bitch! I swear to you i wont be one of your sellers or whatever the hell they are to you. You can kiss my white ass!

Jaxton: Im so sorry Dealer. She gets this way when shes angry. Please forgive her my lord.

Dealer: No offense taken. I find it cute. She has spunk to her. My dear Anna, what you dont know is that my organization is huge. There is two dealers. Myself and Jaxton. You would be working with Jaxton by his side. You would be his quness. The female version.

At that i turned around. Who did this perason think i was!

Anastai: I dont care what i would be called. IM NOT KILLING ANYONE!

Dealer: You have no choice. You already belong to us. Besides you wouldnt be killing anyone you would be leading the wicked to their death. Almost like a prison guard leading the inmates to their death. Except you get paid more.

At that i stormed out.

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