New Look

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We pulled into another motel. Again the smell hit me as soon as we hit the parking lot. I sat in the car while he went in to take care of the room situation.

We sat in our room for about five minutes when he blurted out the worst idea of my life.

Jaxton: Anna, we need to cut your hair...and dye it. Nothing normal of course...and your clothing attire needs to be changed as well...something dark.

Anastai: Your joking right? You seriously want me to cut my hair...and chang my cloths? How are we supposed to pay for this?

I got up pacing the floor. Im surprised i didnt pace a whole in the floor. How could he change me? HOW COULD HE?!

Jaxton: Anna, we're "missing people" there is no choice. Hold on Ill be right back.

Anastai: I swear to God Jaxton if you already bought the crap..i...i

And then he was gone..Dush bag!

He came back in the room with what seemed like hundreds of bags. All i could do was sit there with my mouth open like a retard.

Jaxton: You know your face could get stuck like that if your not careful...or i could put something in it...

I face palmed myself. How could he say that! My dark night just made a sexual joke. A VERY sexual joke. After i pulled myself together i got up the nerve to look through the mysterious bags. To my horror everything was black. From the hair dye to the cloths to the freaking nail polish!

Jaxton: Are you ready to do this my soon to be gothic princess?

Anastai: Hell no! Take it all back!..better yet ill do all of this if you tell me where the money is coming from.

He stood there in front of me with this look on his face. Before i knew it he dropped the bags and walked out. Not to mention slamming the door behind him to the point the picture above the bed fell down.

He was gone for three hours. Even took the damn car. I was hungry and with no money and no car to get anything. Even though there was food downstairs i couldnt bring myself to eat it. Thoughts of other people touching and breathing on it made me gag.

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