Red Head

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I met my dark night in downtown Georgia. It was creepy. It was too quiet. I could hear my own breathing. I stood by the car waiting to see my dark night come walking up but instead i saw a girl with vibrant red hair walking towards me.

I stood there wondering if i should get back in the car and lock the doors. Either way i didnt have time to, before i knew it she was by the car. We looked at each other for a few seconds. Sizing each other up.

Brittany: My name is Brittany. Im Jaxtons friend. He told me to come get you when you arrived. Your pretty punctual. Thats good. This will make this easier. Follow me.

She didnt give me a chance to talk or introduce myself. She just grabbed my hand walked me to another creepy house.

We entered the house. It was clean just decked out in dark colors. It was cold in her house. I mean if she liked it that way then thats fine. But i was about to freeze.

Before i knew it i had the tinist dog in my lap. I looked up at her waiting for an answer. All i got was a shoulder shrug.

Brittanie: She must like you. She doesnt take to just anyone. I was surprised when she took to Jaxton.

I looked over at my dark night who had the biggest grin on his face. I couldnt help but smile as well. I mean who couldnt? The dog was so tiny.

Later that night we all piled into Jaxtons car and went to down to the bridge. Brittanie said that there was somebody there who was willing to destroy the organization. This red head, this girl who walked like nothing scared her seemed anxious as we drove down to the bridge.

She got out first and went out to the river. Looking both ways. What she was looking for i dont know. But i was hoping that there wouldnt be any shots fired. After about fifteen minutes a dark haired little boy came out she hugged him and they talked for awhile. As she walked back i noticed she had a large suitcase in her hands.

She didnt get very far when i heard a gun go off. Jaxton was out of the car running to the mysterious red head. When i reached them both he was holding her in his arms, head bent down so he could hear what she was saying. She took her last breath in his arms. My heart ached for Jaxton. Just by looking at him i could see Brittany had a part of his heart.

Jaxton got up grabbed the suitcase and took my hand lead me back to the car. He was covered in her blood. Tears started to well up in his eyes. I didnt say anything. There was nothing to say at the precise moment.

We drove back to her house. He told me to wait in the car. He came back out with the tiny little dog and placed her in my lap. It wasnt until later when we drove back to the motel that Brittany had told him to take Trixie and to get to the root of the problem. To destroy the organization.

As i looked out the window i knew i had to tell Jaxton. But i didnt know if it was a good time. I knew i had to tell him. The problem was when. Before i left the window i sent up a silent prayer to Brittany thanking her for giving us this information.

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