Chapter 1

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(Hello everyone, this is new to the story but I felt it is important. I found a really good creepy music track for this story, but I want it for all the parts, and adding in the media is tricky and time consuming, so I am going to put a link in the comments and right below this note. Listen to it until the last chapter and then I'll have another music for you to listen too.   <--- Link here

*Derp's POV*

I sat in the corner of my caged off little part of Ssundee's mind, where I was alone with my thoughts and plans, slowly being driven to madness. I mean if you were in my situation you would be insane yourself. I'm just a step up from that level. You might be wondering what exactly I think about? I could tell you my plan in every little detail but that will ruin the fun of the surprise. But I guess I can tell you the outcome I hope for. I want Ssundee to know how it feels to be me.... How it feels to be unwanted, hated, cast aside like nothing... I want him to have an overwhelming feeling of despair and watch as it drives him to madness.

I grin at my devious plot. No one can prepare for what is yet to come. Not Ssundee, not his friends... Not anyone.

Guess what Ssundee, my reign of ternary is coming. And no matter what you do. There is no stopping me.


A/N: Welcome fellow readers and lovers of Derp Ssundee!

Quick little... Announcement about this story. Some chapters are short and others are long so that's just a heads up, for example this chapter is pretty short but the next one should be fairly long. So yeah. Also! While writing this I couldn't think of chapter titles so there's no chapter titles this time.

But yeah that's all I really have to say.

Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter. Buh bye!


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