Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

*Derp's POV*

Jerome's house came into view and the sun was almost completely dark. Perfect. Jerome's house was in the trees, he and Mitch lived together and since Jerome was a bacca they made a house in the trees. This made it easier to sneak in, but I don't really need to. I put my hood up and climbed up the tree, clearing my throat before knocking on the door. Sky was the one to answer.

"Hey Ian! Bout time you showed up." He said with a smile.

"Hey dude." I replied, my voice sounded like Ian's to trick them, and it worked, Sky stepped aside and let me in.

"You got the cake? Everyone's waiting in the kitchen, except Mitch and Jerome, Mitch is waiting till everyone gets here, so now we're waiting on Husky." Sky explained as he led me to the kitchen where Deadlox and TrueMU were sitting and chatting. This was almost too perfect, Mitch and Jerome were well fighters and would be a problem if all five of them were here, but it's just these three and they're all nowhere in comparison to me when it comes to fighting. "Hey Ian! Throw down the cake!" Sky cried.

I felt a malicious grin spread across my lips which was still hidden by my hood. "Sure dude." I replied slowly, as I put the cake into my hot bar and quickly placed it on the table where Deadlox and TrueMU were sitting. Sky's face whitened, Deadlox made a gagging sound and TrueMU jumped out of his chair, yelping.

"Oh... My... God..." Deadlox mumbled, eyes wide with terror.

"I-Ian...?" TrueMU said his voice trembling.

I whipped my hood down and pulled out my sword, showing my crazed eyes. TrueMU backed away in panic and Deadlox's eyes widened even bigger to the point it looked like they might pop out of his head. A crazed maniac laugh traveled up through my chest and out my lips. Sky and Deadlox pulled out swords while TrueMU pulled out a bow.

"Awww what's wrong guys?! Don't like my surprise!?"

"Y-your a monster!" Sky yelled.

I smirked in reply. And before any of them could blink, I rushed TrueMU who yelped and dodged, exactly what I wanted... I grabbed him by the back of the neck and slammed his face into the edge of the table, shattering his visor. I repeated the action against the corner this time, I continued till I heard a sickening crack and TrueMU's screams signaling that his nose was broken. I pulled him up and faced Sky and Deadlox, hand wrapped tightly around his neck but not in the area it would choke him. He desperately tried to pull away and break free of my grasp but to no avail. I locked eyes with Sky. "What's wrong Sky...?" I said with a grin. "Are you afraid to die?"

*Sky's POV*

I stood frozen in terror next to Deadlox as the alter ego of one of my friends held a psychotic grin and TrueMU at sword point. He'd already killed Husky and who knows who else... And now Husky's head was on a birthday cake. The smell was foul and the air was thick with tension. Where the hell was Mitch and Jerome...? We really needed them right now.... I shook the thought out of my head. I needed to distract him. But how...?

"I-Ian! I know your still in there! Stop him!" I yelled.

The room went silent for a moment, before Derp started to laugh. It sounded strangled and ragged which made my stomach churn with uneasiness. Beads of sweat formed and started to drip down my head. What was so funny?

"You really think Ian can save you?!" Derp said his voice raising with each word, his grip tightening around TrueMU's neck, nails digging into his skin. "Ian's world is dark..." He growled. "He can't save you... No one can..." Derp's eyes darkened as did his voice and a sickening sound echoed throughout the room followed by a choking noise from TrueMU. My eyes widened in panic.

"Jason!!!!" I yelled, using his real name.

Derp's diamond sword poked out through TrueMU's middle... Around where his spinal cord is... Jason's big blue eyes were wide in fear, and he looked at me. "Sky... T-Ty..." He whispered before his eyes rolled back slightly and his body went limp; he slid off the blade and onto the ground. Blood spilled out the wounds and pooled under him, staining his light blue space suit red. If he wasn't dead yet, he would he soon... As if just to spite me, Derp kicked him aside as if he were nothing more than a broken toy! Anger welled up inside me and I clenched the handle of my sword so tightly I began to tremble. My stomach was twisted in knots and my vision was fuzzy with rage. I just watched one of my closest friends die and I didn't do anything! And that... Pisses me off!

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